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American Indian

Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: Our Place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was dating my boss at the time. Him and his whole family owned a company one of the biggest companies in the city. We started dating when I first started working there and he kapet bragging about he never been with a Native American befor. We decided to move in together in this big house we just bought. I told him I was a virgin and he said ther’s nothing wrong with that. Like day we went to this couples thing and they had us do these sex moves and therapy. I didn’t like it at all but he wanted us to go anyway. They make us do sex positions and take off all our clothes and keep the underware on. Some time I feel him getting hard and I asked are you okay and he’ll say yes. After that he wanted us to talk to the the therapist and he asked what stops you from having sex and I said I’m a virgin and I just don’t. He said we talk about having a baby and I cuted him off saying you just wanted to have a boy, I don’t want a baby not yet. Then the sesion ended and we got home and I sat on the counter and he said I’m sorry and I tried to was and I grabed his hand led him to the bdroom and I took off my clothes and let him feel my body and I had on mactdhing underware and he got we got nake and he got on top off me and got a codom on and he tried to enter me and I stoped himannd said I’m not ready and he got up and got mad. I grabed my under and puted them on and I said I’m sorry and he sat there.

We had dinner at his parents house and they asked if we did anything yet and I said no and his pareents asked what’s stopping you and I looked down and she said honey I’m so sorry I’m not trying to get to personal and I said that’s okay. She said that’s okay and me and your father still do and I looked up and he said why did you have to say that and he said because she can she smiled and I said I was done eating and she asked if I wanted to help clean dishes and I said yeah and his dad smacked his mom on the ass and she smiled and laughed. He smacked me on the ass and I said not now. I helped washed dishes and she asked what stops you from having it and I looked at her and ahe sat me down and said I not being mean you know I love you and I consider you as one of the family and she asked me and I said I don’t know. Every time we do I stop. She told me to come with her and I followed her upstairs and she had this huge room and it was just like out a book. She pulled me into her secrat closet and she handed me this and said herw I haven’t used it you don’t have to worry it’s brand new and said you can use it while you doind it and it harmless and it called the 5 speed bulet and she turned it on and I got scared and looked at all the toys. She said when they go on business trips I use these and I looked away and she huged me and said it’s okay and I cried a little and his dad came in saw us talking and he said you showed her she said yeah and he huged me and said it’s okay and I got ready and leftout the room and I puted the toy in my purse and I sat beside him and watched the movie. Then I got tired and went upstairs and layed down and watched t.v. and he came up and asked what’s wrong and we heard there parents aginst the walland I said something in Native and he said okay and we found some other guset room and he said we were spending the night here. I said okay and I walked to his parents room and I knocked and hise dad opened it up he had a sheet wrap around him and he saw it was me and said I’m sorry and I said we going to spend the night here. He said okay and I left.

I got out of my clothes he had on some basketball shorts and he puted them on and I watched t.v. He got in and he asked do you want to do something and I asked like what going through my purse and he heard somehting and he asked what is that and I tried to turn it off and I said it’s my cell phone and he reached in and grabed it and he said who gave you this and he thought and said my mom and I shook my head yeah and he started laughing and I said stop. But he couldn’t then turned away and he stoped and said I’m sorry and he tried to talk abut somehting else and he asked what about the baby and I rolled my eyes and said no he asked why not I said I’m scared I know how to take care of one but not now. He got mad and said so you know how to take care of one but you don’t want one though. He then fling the covers off of me and grabed me by my legs and pulled me to him and he started kissing me and I tried telling him stop he bit me on my neck and I started crying my eyes out he started taking off my under ware and he got naked and I said stop and ho went through the bathroom and got some baby oil. He brought it back and puted some in me with his fingers and some on himself then he shoved himself inside me and I screamed. He grabed my legs and putted them over is shoulder and went in to me and I started screaming saying for him to stop. Then he stoped and moved my legs and I felt him and he didn’t have a condom and he pushed me backand grabed me by my hips and went harde and deeper. I screamed stop you’re hurting me. The bed was shaking and the headboard was hitting the wall. Then he focred me on my side and he went all hard and kept saying you’re having a baby and I screamed and he started rubbing me toand made mecome all over him. I screamed and he start kissing me. He then laid on his back and forced me to him and made me get on top. He started going in and out and I screamed and cried. He then stuck his tongue in my mouth and started choking me. I then stopedI sat up and held my stomach saying it hurts so bad he then felt me and started kissing me and I asked if I don’t want this can you stop. He said no and I cried some more. He then did the dog style which was the worst in my in my life then he flipped me on my back and got the vibrator off the stand he puted it me and it hurted kind of bad then he pulled me up to him and bent down and started eating me. I didn’t get no pleasure out of it and it went on for a long time it started to feel good and he started feeling my stomach and my breast. I started moaning he placed his hand on my stomach and I felt his tongue and he stoped and asked was that good I didn’t say anything he got on top of me and kissed me, he re entered me agin and he went hard I don’t know what happened but he made me climaxed and I screamed he just smiled. Then I tried pusheing him off of me and he moved it his chest and he laid his body on me and I could feel his abs on my stomach and he came and I screamed for him to get out he said you’re having a baby. He got up and moved to his side of the bed. I pulled the toy out of me and he pulled me on top of him and he said stop crying and I stoped and I started sniffing and he puted his hand over my mouth. I now thought I was considered as one of my ancester who was raped by the whit man. I fell asleep.

The next moring I woke up and saw the sun was bright and I heard a knock at the door. He got up and he grabed a sheetand wraped it around him while I got under the sheets. He answered and it was his mom and she said uh oh I need to leave and she looked and said my name and he said she’s sleeping. She left and he closed the door. I sat up and I saw himsit at the edged of the bed and I felt my neck and felt it was healing. He then got up and went in to the bathroom and I did too. I never been in they’re bathrooms and they were huge like the rooms. I looked in the mirror and I looked at my hair and he walked out the shower and he walk and came behind me and kissed me I didn’t do anything. I got in the shower and came downstairs because his mom was cooking breakfest and I offered her a hand and she said okay and I asked if she can cook gritz and she said yeah and we cooked eggs, pancakes, baccon, and oatmeal. We sat down and eated and I didn’t really eat I just had the gritz and some orange juice. After we were done he sat down with his dad and watched t.v. His brothers came over and they’re wives stayed at home and we were in the kitchen and I asked his mom can I talk you. He came in and asked about what and he came and kissed me andhis brothers came in said hi andgave me a hug. She said you men get out we need to talk and we went up stairs.

We got in her room and befor I sat down she said it fine I cleaned them and I plumped down and I started crying and she asked what’s wrong. I sat up and I said about last night she said I heard you both from down the hall and I said it wasn’t what you thought and I said he raped me and she stoped and said I heard you screaming and I said I was screaming because he was doing too much and he didn’t even use a condom and he was to worried about having a boy. She said honey I’m so sorry and she hugged me and said we need to go out and get you a test and we went out got some test and when we came back his brothers left and I went upstairs and took the test three of them. I got done and I washed my hands and I got the sheets off the bed and took them and puted them in the washer. I came back and loked at the test and she came in and I looked and saw it was positive I said oh my god and she looked and said what I showed her the test and she huged me and said you don’t have to have it and I’m so sorry and I cried saying I can’t have a baby now I can’t and she said you don’t have to. He came in and said what’s going on and he saw me cryign and he asked what’s wrong she looked and said take this and he took the test and she said tell me what it is and tell me what does it say. He said it’s a test and it positive. She got up and said why did you do this to her and he looked at me and said you told her and I said I didn’t want this and she said you’re wrong for what you did to her and look she’s pregnent. She left and closed the door I broked down crying and he sat beside me and huged me. I pushed him and he wraped his arms around me and I cried and he said I know, I’m very sorry. He said you don’t hav to have the baby and I said I’m keeping it and I said I don’t know about you though and I walked out and went to his mom.I walked in and she was doing something and I layed on the bed and she layed beside me. I then fell asleep. I woke up and he was sitting at the chair staring at me. I sat up and he came and sat be side me and I said what we talked and and I said okay and I huged him and we went home. I got in bed we went to sleep.

I did later found out that we were having twin boys. He did get a tatto of their names on each of his wrist. They look more like me than their dad. His parents always want us to take them to their house. They’re crawling and they always want to be with their dad and love to scream and sqeaule. Like one night they both started crying and I got up and brought both of them and gave them a bottle and got in bed with us. He’ll get mad and say they need to start sleeping in their own bed and I asked start feeding him. He started to burp them and the baby threw up on him and he said he just threw up ad I smiled and laughed. I said take off your shirt and I took him and said you threw up on daddy and I rocked him to sleep and puted them in the cribe in our room and I said go back to bed. I placed my head on his chest and I looked at the wrist and I said you love them too much. He said yeah and I said I love you too.

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