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Amish follow up story

Age when it happend: Yesterday
Where it happened: Hay
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Just a follow up on my Amish Neighbors. Rosie and I connected a few times  read 52171 she was as cute as could be . Her younger sister Clara was twice as feisty and not a bit shy. They stopped riding bikes to school because their family now had a new little stout pony and a closed buggy that held 8 some how. Well we had a common fence that had a tree fall from high winds between our farms. It was getting old and I decided to replace the old thing not repair it any more. Well the neighbors would never let me do it all my self but they were busy with harvest so they sent Clara and her little brother Elias to do what ever they could on the 4 mile fence to help. First I just had them pull weeds and brush back as I lay out the fence post . But I sent them home as I dug the holes they couldn’t help and I was afraid the tractor post digger might hurt them tossing a rock or grabbing lose clothing. Well I dug a 100 holes in two days and it was time to set post. Well they held the post and kicked dirt as I used a steel bar with a fat end to compress the dirt. Very hard work and I only kept my shirt on because Claira was there. Rosie came by at break and Becky too bringing fruit juice and a sandwich for everyone. Take your shirt off your not Amish she said and happily I did. Look at those muscles the girls jeered. Well an hour later Elias tried the steel tamp bar and tamped his foot so I carried the little guy home and they iced his foot and put him to work peeling potatoes for dinner. Becky and Clara  walked back with me. Once out of sight of the house asked if I minded if they removed their bonnets and things. Do what you want I said as I finished tamping the last few post. When I turned around both girls were in under garmets only dropping post in to the holes. I had finished three post so they were solid and they had every last post in the holes. They worked very hard and by dinner time we were almost finished. I walked them home and was invited to dinner and we feasted. The men were a good week from finishing the harvest and appoligised for only sending girls to help with the common fence. They invited me to the porch for a beer and I fell asleep on the porch swing before my beer was half finished. I awoke in a buggy at my house thanks to one of the men. Just can’t hold your beer he joked  . As I thanked him and stumbled in I found Rosie hidden  in side. What’s the matter I asked as she had a sour face. She made sure the buggy was gone and started telling her story. There are six families here in our area . Yes  I said . We are all related. So this is good right. No we can’t have children with people we are related to. So why are you here telling me this. You know was engaged. I courted and I love him. I want to stay Amish. There is no way I can marry him now because we are related . So why are you here I inquired? Do you  want me to drive you to another Amish community so you can date ,three hours east there are a few Amish. Wrong clan said Rosie but that is a good idea. I came over for something else she said, putting a rough rider condom in my hand. I feel so sex starved it’s been a big let down not getting married. I followed her to my room and she for lack of a better term ravaged me hard and left me limp and empty. Thankful Rosie now satisfied beside me ,started chatting . Clara is sixteen and marriage age she told me. I think she may want to be English . You know she likes you. Think about her. She kissed me and I watched her dress. Clara is quite the cook , she will be a good catch. Rosie went home. We started stringing wire and the wire puller was too strong and easily could break wire. We were on the last 300 feet when a long strand broke free and started whipping to Claira. I yelled cover and she put her arms by her head in time saving her face from the barb wire whip. She was tied up like a bale of hay when I got to her. Slowly I uncoiled the wire from her in ten minutes the family was there helping me free her. Her clothing was torn but she only had a few pricks and bruises from the whip. When the last wire was peeled back we inspected her arms and legs. Then I hugged her and said thank you God she is fine. I walked home and in the morning before the chickens were up I saw the Amish men walk away from the common fence they had totally finished. Claira came over and knocked about 6:00 am bringing coffee and asked to come in. I’m not going to hide it any more she said . Do you like me she asked ? Do you like Rosie more? I know about you two. Stunned some, I wanted to make up excuses. We were just . Oh Hell Clara , no excuse we had sex and we both enjoyed it wrong or right. Clara said what about me ? Do you want to stay Amish I asked her? No I don’t think I want to stay Amish , but I love my family. You know Becky and I talk all the time about having you take our virginity. I’m even sixteen now. So she paced a circle in my kitchen. I hear that is marriage age. You mean my sister Rosie told you. She never told me you liked me until the other day. Well I do . But do you like me? I liked you since the first time you flashed me on your bike. I wanted to be with you then she said. Your kidding I said you wanted sex. I sure did she said straight faced.  I barely got it in your sister ! And she was too young and I was too stupid to know better. Well I have saved my self and I don’t want to wait forever. She was 15 then and that would be like Becky . You know Emily is 14 and hasn’t had her first woman time maybe you would like her in your bed as well. No period you mean as I slowly connected what woman time was. I was never surprised much by Clara being forthright.  You tell who ever wants to  set a bonnet on my table that I would be more than happy to help them.  Clara stood at my face I wanted to kiss you today but I’m a bit mad now that you said that and she left. I walked the new fence and set my cows out and shut the gate. I waved at the men loading the last of the harvest and they waved back. Becky and Emily came out ,Clara said you wanted to tell us something. I saw Clara turn and walk to the chicken house . Well individually maybe I need a few hours each if your willing to work.  I want and I whispered in Becky’s ear . Do you think Emily would ? Oh yes said Becky. Becky trotted half way to my house and trotted back , it’s like my fertile time . Do you have some protection? I think two of them should be good enough. I just bought a dozen just yesterday I told her. Good good good she said heading to her house. She turned around seven after dinner sound good. Perfect I said . I saw her skip then she stopped and walked slowly in her house. I walked over to Emily , who was pretending to not know what we were talking about.  Emily it’s about time you became a woman. Yes she said holding her head down. I think a loss of virginity and regular sex will get your period started for sure. Her head sprang up. Sex for me I just turned 14 she exclaimed. You act surprised you have told your sisters you want to. She put her head back down . I thought I just dreamed about it and never told any one. You should have regular periods, it’s important I told her . Rosie started when she was ten, I don’t know why I’m so late. I do want sex , I think about it all the time , does that make me dirty.  No your not dirty! Everyone your age thinks about sex. Emily I think regular sex will wake your hormones up and let your body know your a woman. You think so, she said , I’m so tense and wound up lately . My insides are screaming. This last three days I like have pressure , she patted her lower abdomen.  Her display of emotion showed me she was on the brink of doing just that . Exploding. OK she said let me get some things from the house. You think It will start my flow right now ! She said slightly shocked. I should of done this sooner.  I was going to explain but she was gone so quickly. I was so excited about my luck I was dribbling precum in my shorts. The thought of these young virgin neighbors was making my heart race. I walked to the chicken coop. Clara’s apron was full of eggs and she knelt and we loaded the egg carton. When this flurry of sleeping with my sisters is over what then? You and I will marry and live in my house and raise kids next door to your family if that sounds good. Will you be only mine? I don’t want to share you with my sisters Clara said.  I dont want to share you now!  I’ve never even had you. Well you have a few pieces of cherry pie to eat before you get mine, she muttered. Enjoy and save some room for me when your finished. Your a good man, can you be my man? I need to settle down there have been too many already  I told her.  She started to walk away and I asked her to tell Emily about losing her cherry. In case she doesn’t know. She looked at me , pointed her finger at me and said she doesn’t know , I’ll tell her.  If the Amish men folk catch you it’s shot guns and castration . Everyone has a breaking point , don’t push it. Don’t think you can flaunt this. Clara warned me. That sobering thought made me think twice about all of this fornication I was about to begin. I was ready to have my second virgin and couldn’t wait to show her the ropes. I didn’t even have to use a condom.
 Emily was  4 foot 11 light brown hair and had a little pudge . She came in took off  her bonnet and her hair was down. My electric heater made the room toasty and Emily was quickly down to a slip and it was the first time she had no bra holding her soft b cups. I grabbed a brush and asked if I could brush her hair . In a few minutes I was holding her humming a tune and we danced. I’m ready she said . No your not, first I touch you and then you breath heavy and squeal or moan . Then your ready. So this is not your first time , Emily asked? I’m not your first?I backed up . No Emily I have done this with a half dozen different beautiful girls. Some of them I lay with many times. We aren’t going to be boyfriend girl friend . I just want to help you . I understand Emily said with a tear . Were they as young as me? No they were not . OK she said and we went back to dancing. This just makes you comfortable with me I said. Can you teach me to kiss she asked with a quirky smile .Her braces were bothering her but she became a world class kisser and quickly learned to use her tongue. We danced and she lost her slip and I my shirt. Her breast were so soft and wonderful . I loved holding her close. My hands had free range on her bare back and she was truly loosening up. My finger roamed all over her and her clitoris was showing it self and we pulled the sheets back. Emily allowed me to kiss my way from her pink nipples to her slightly furry patch.  My first glance I knew something was wrong and I turned on the bright light attached to my ceiling fan. Lay back Emily something’s wrong down here. She was all puffed out and I told her I was calling Dr. Heather the county doctor.  The doctor was on a call  far away . She would be back late tomorrow at the earliest. I was straight forward with Dr. Heather and I told her I was planning on having sex with Emily  when I discovered this situation. While she didn’t recommend I have sex with a teenager she asked me to do the right thing for Emily and It may be uncomfortable for me. She then talked to Emily on the phone and then she asked to talk to  me.  I either take a two hour trip to another town to the Emergency room or break Emily’s hymen ,which did not have a normal opening, right now while she is on the phone. Emily decided I should break it.  So I said I placed two towels under Emily and with my finger  it was done. What followed does not need a description let’s just say the sudden discharge solved her problem and she could now have a normal period.  Emily went right home and would visit Dr. Heather later and I just was happy the day was over after cleaning up. 
Becky saw me walk the new fence and I saw the men come from the barn just after milking. It was 6:30 and Hensel  whistled which ment come have coffee and a pancake or two. In the house was a new young man who came in from west Pa and they were questioning him. He was stout and tall and a good wrestler they say. The English gent over there ,pointing to me , hasn’t been pinned by an Amish man yet  . Willing to give him a try.  Thanks that’s mighty neighborly of you men , did you think of asking me first , I said. Hensel asked ,well English man? Sure I give him the best work out I can. Clean all the cow pies out of the hay first. They slapped each others back and the ladies grinned as they served the coffee. I felt suckered and figured the strapping young boy was a ringer. This Amish clan loved a good clean wrestling match and so far I was the local champion although every match I just barely won. I picked the time 10:00 which let me finish most of my morning duties. At 10:00 I went to the barn which had fresh straw and the family had gathered and I set off my cap and took off my belt that had a big buckle. No sooner had I turned around I was crushed by the mans tackle ,  three minutes of sheer abuse the young mad had me in strength and speed. The family hooted and cheered as I continued getting whipped. The young man made only one fatal mistake and I had a reverse cradle and put his shoulders down for three seconds when Hensel declared me the winner. Exhausted I collapsed and the entertainment was over . I promised the young man a beer at dinner and he accepted. 
That evening I met the girls on their way in the buggy to quilting. Clara jumped out and said today might be a good day to talk to my father if you want.  You were right about Emily. I never thought sex would start her first period . I thought you were just wanting a thrill with my sister. She left and I wondered what story Emily told about me. Well I never told any one we never had sex so she would save face.
   I never got a chance to ask Mr Miller for his daughters hand as he told me his daughter had a liking for me. You know she was born with Amish roots but she likes cars and electric lights he said. I like Clara ! Mr Miller and I figure if she wants to be English she might as well live next door because she loves her family. He slapped his knee. I was always afraid she would move far away . It’s done then he said we better announce it when the girls get back. Ya know Rosie is heart broke she couldn’t marry because we found we were related to her boyfriend. Has that young wrestler caught her eye? I asked . I hope he catches one of their eyes Mr. Miller  said that’s why he is here.  We clicked beer bottles and announced the engagement when the girls returned.
 Clara and I were watched like a hawk but Becky came over with a sick colt one evening. Then her  and her little brother Elias and I drove the colt to the vet in town and we waited in the barn for the colt that her brother loved to take a turn for the better which he finally did around 4:00 am. Relieved the colt would live he fell sound asleep after being up all night. Becky took my arm and pulled me from the stable up to the soft loose hay and set her bonnet near the top. If he wakes and sees it he wont come up any higher. I’m engaged I said, and not married Becky said. I won’t tell her. She will know by your face . Becky was taking off her shoes , your right she will. Did you tell her you wouldn’t ? No but . Becky stopped me good then it’s just fair . She will be the last and there won’t be any adultery . If I hear Rosie tell me one more time how good you are. Slow down Becky ! Give me time to get in the mood. Slow down I’m shaking like a leaf chattering like a squirrel , I can’t slow down or I won’t go through with it. Maybe we shouldn’t I said. Unfasten my bra said Becky it fastens in the front. I did and Becky’s D cups barely sagged. They were the most amazing breast I had ever laid hands on.  It was like half of Becky was beautiful large breast. We waited so long it’s past my fertile time. On the other hand if you have a condom I will sleep better the next couple weeks. I’m totally unprepared for this. Becky climbed on me and smothered me with her breast and her kisses. She tried to sit on my penis but after her second  attempt  I rolled her to missionary and slipped it in. She complained it was tight , but I didn’t think so. She felt like a normal girl and I mistakenly went to fast and she started balling. I pulled back and there was considerable blood in the hay. So I was very slow and tender and she was a different girl and really got off. I think she orgasmed twice and it was a long time before I orgasmed because of the slow pace. This was my one and only Becky said . Thank you so much . I have to stop or I’ll never quit. She smothered me with kisses and climbed down to sleep beside her brother. I was surprised she was a virgin and didn’t feel like Rosie. Guess everyone is different. Well the wedding is in the spring . I’ll fill you in on my wedding night when it happens with Clara.

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