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Amusement park

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Amusement Park
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was at a amusement park which will remain nameless at the water area. There is one area which has a gym type thing that is covered in squirting little holes. I met her there. She was squiting people below her and she had been concentrateing on me so I climbed up top and started squirting her. Me and her battled on for 20 minutes and she finally asked if I wanted to go ride something with her.
After making arrangments with our parents we set off and came to one ride that takes you straight up in a big spaceship looking thing and you sit up there for a couple minutes. There was only us and a few other people on the ride and we were not in sight of any other people being so high up. We kissed a few times and she kissed down my chest and unzipped me slightly and I was halfway out and she kissed my cockhead lightly and I was trying to sustain my moaning and she started to jack meoff slightly with her green nail polished hands. I came into her cheek and I wiped it off with my pants.We kissed and hugged and went on all the rides together the rest of the night and it was great. She had to leave later that night and I never even caught her name.
And there is a chance all be it a small one you might be reading. Respond back and we could talk.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience