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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: In an apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was with a guy I hardly knew. I was with a group of girls and he was with about 10 guys. We were playing drinking games and I was drunk before 11 am. Basically he started kissing me (my first french kiss) I was a little freaked so I went for a swim in the pool with so of my friends but he just kept catching me and kissing me. He pulled me down onto his lap and started running his hands all over my body. I got really turned on really quickly. I can’t remember how but we ended up in one of the bedrooms – though I do remember I held out for a few hours, or minutes maybe, I don’t know. He started to kiss me and groped my breasts roughly pushing me down onto the bed. He lifted me like I weighed nothing (I an quite thin.) I was reluctant but inexperienced and really horny so I went with it. He pulled up my bakini tp and started to lick my nipples which made me go wild. Then he stuck a few fingers in my pussy which hurt a little ’cause I was really tight. I felt arkward like I was doing it all wrong. He pulled of my bakini bottoms eventually and told me to open my legs. I didn’t so he pulled them apart. He separted my pussy lips and drove his tongue in. I think I screamed – it was the most incredible thing I ever felt. He kept asking me if I was ready but I was afraid so I didn’t answer. He asked me if I was a virgin and I said I was. He asked me how far I’d gone and I told him I’d made out before. (a lie) He inserted more fingers streching me out they were rough and I’m sure I winced. He kept talking to me saying “You’re so wet” and “You’re nearly there” I reached for his dick. To distract him. He took it as a sign and got up and put a condom on. I was afraid but too nervous to say so. He climbed on top of me. His dick was huge to me (But was probably only average size). I must have looked shit scared cause he said he’d go slow. He started to kiss me again and I responded. He told me to open my legs so I did a little. He pushed them open wider which hurt a little. His hip pressed down onto mine which hurt hurt a lot but I bit my lip. closed my eyes as he drove in. Shit it hurt – the worest pain I’d ever felt. I yelped and would have pulled away if I wasn’t held down. He pulled my ass up so he could get in more easily. Then I felt the head slide in and meet the resistence of my cherry. This hurt so badly that I shouted out “owwwwwww!!!” but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t get past it so after a minute or so I forced my pelvis back down and he slipped out. I was crying but He wraped my legs around his waist and tried again. I kept saying “owww” but he ignored me. I heard someone outside the door and said so but he assured me no one would come in. He was wrong. One of his friends walked straight in stared a moment and then turned and walked out. We both laughed but I was so embarrassed and still in pain (basically overwhelmed) that I cried. He continued to try and pump into me but couldn’t get past my hymen. I told him to stop because I couldn’t stand the strain and pressure anymore…Eventually he did. It was horrible, the sex part. I guess I just wasn’t ready. When I tried to talkto him the next day he told me He had a girlfriend. So I made a fool out of myself into the bargin. Oh well hope next time is better because I couldn’t be much worse!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience