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an unexpected invitation

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well the first time i had sex i was 17 years old i had been living in an all girls group home untill a litlle after my 17 birthday. and almost daily got to see my female roomate and her lover go at it right across the room from me. naturally i enjoyed watching them but after a while i got bored and wanted some action of my own.

so after i letft the group home i went to live with my father. which lasted about 10 days before he kicked me out. so i was homless with no place to go i would stay sometimes with my mother but sometimes it would be up to me to find a place to crash. so i met a guy in the neighborhood with a car and a girfriend at hom so he would pick me up and we would go to a hotel. one time he picked me up and his girlfriend paged him so he dropped me off with two of his friends and said to wait there and hed come back and get me later. so while i was there with his two friends we were watching tv and sitting on the couch in the living room. the must not have been too much older than me because the said there parents were gone and we had the place to ourselves.

and then unexpectedly some other people i didnt know came over to the house and this one girl asked me to come here she said she wanted to tell me something. well what she told me was that her friend one of the guys i was there with thought i was fine and wanted to do it with me
so i of course was surprised but also i was curious since id never had sex before and wondered what it felt like so i told the girl ok and she went back and told him what id said. and a couple mins later he came up to me and said you wanna go in the back?? i did and i follwed him back to his room which he shared with his brother. complete with bunk beds and all!!

after a min of fumbling with our clothes we were naked and he was putiing on the condom i was lying on my back and he entered me at first i didnt feel it at all and i had to look to se if it was in right. it was and he started moving in and out and in just 5 mins it was over. i never came but he did. i only saw him once more and i just gave him a blowjob the next time we met. since then i havent spoken to him or seen him.

i dont regret my first time but i guess it wasnt as memeorable as my second…. theres were the real story is. it was just a one time thing but it was alot better than my first time….

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