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An Unforgetable New Years

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: A Friend's House
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was on New Years Eve 2002 about to be 2003. I had my 2 best friends stay the night at my house. My friend Becca said she knew some people who could come pick us up and take us some places cuz we were gettin bored. Her friend Rob and his brother Roger and there friend Pedro came and picked us up. We went to a pool room then to Pedro’s house Chrissy, Becca, and I were all really wasted and so was the guys. Chrissy and Roger started to make out and left the room, then Becca and Pedro left the room. I was layin down on the bed pissed cuz i didnt know what my friends were doing since we were all virgins we never acted like it cuz we talk like we aint but we all were. Rob asked me if I was tired and I said no. He said he was and turned off the lights and walked over to the bed and started to kiss me then he started to undo my belt. When we both got naked all the sudden the door opens and my 2 friends were standin there and i told Rob to go close the door so he walked out into the hallway naked and i started to laugh cuz it was funny! After we finished i was in pain and i felt alot of regret cuz Becca told me and Chrissy before we left me house to stay away from him cuz she liked him. I got dressed and found my friends in the living room i felt so bad that i had hurt my best friend and for what a guy who i really didnt even like. yea he was cute and all but still he has a kid comin wit another girl and I didnt even know him.Plus the sex sucked he came and I didn’t i still hang wit him and his friends on the weekends but he goes wit Chrissy now and I like 1 of his friends Joseph and he likes me so its all goood!

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