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Age when it happend: 76
Where it happened: Chucky-cheese
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This was my first time having butt sex. It was the best thing ever. If you ever get the chance make sure you do it. So i met this guy at chucky-cheese. We had both brought our sons there and we got to talking. So we got this idea and decided to go in to the Ball-Pit. He brought a cheese pizza in there and wrapped it around his dick. Then he shoved it up my ass. It was still warm and felt so good. Im sure it went way into me. Then he pulled out but the pizza stuck in there. So then i shit it out. We then went to a table and ate it it was the greatest tasting pizza ever. I Loved it. Then we got some ice cream(well at least thats what you think it is) It tasted great too. I have done it 6 times or kids have so much fun there with us.

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