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Angela the angel

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: school parking lot
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

School didn’t start until 10am that day. So, my friends came over and my ex boyfriend which at the time was going out with my friend. She wasn’t over with him. When it got time to go to school I called Sarah. She came and got us. I didn’t want to go to school yet and neither did my ex. Sarah then went to the bank. While she was in there we began to make out. When she got back to the car I was in the back seat. We then went back to the school. Sarah had to go to her history class that day so me and my ex stayed in the car and skipped. we werejust sitting there talking and kissing. Then he took off my pants and started giving me oral sex. I put my hands down his pants and then I took off his pants. Then we went at it. It wasn’t the best because we had to stop. There were cars parking around us, we were parked in the back of the parking lot.

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