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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Friends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was a freshman in high school when I lost my virginity. I had gone to a friends house for the afternoon and when i got there she and a couple of guys were there. As soon as i gat there they started drinking which I had never experienced but I joined in since I didn’t want them to think I was not a part of the crowd. It didn’t take long for me to get very drunk. After a while my friend and one of the guys went The other guy sat down beside me on the sofa and before long we were kissing very passionately. We finally laid down on the sofa and he was between my legs but since i had on jeans I felt ok with it. As we were kissing I could feel his penis agaist me and I began to get very aroused. He finally made a move and unbuttoned my jeans and when i didn’t say anything he stood up and started to pull then off. As soon as he got then off he got back between my legs with only my panties on and then he took his penis out and put it against me on the outside of my panties. I knew i was not going to be able to stop so I asked him if he had a condom which he said yes and got it out of his billfold. He open it and I was to embarrassed to watch him put it on but he again got between my legs and pushed my panties to the side and shoved himself inside me. As soon as he was in I got so excited that I got in rythum with him and it didn’t take long until I could feel him throbbing and I had an orgasm immediately. We keep making out for a few minutes then he pulled out and told me good luck because he hadn’r used the comdon. I freaked and ran to the bathroom and tried to wash as much of him out as i could. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough and I got pregnant my very first time.

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