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Anna Belle

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: local daycare/on the beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was fourteen and volenteering at my aunts local daycare program when I met an insanely hot boy named Marco. Marco was 5 feet 9 inches and super muscally. I was a 5 feet 1 inch skinny blonde girl wearing short shorts and a bikkini on top. This was because it was right after my shift and i changed for a party. Marco was 17 and i was 14 at the time. He offered me a ride to the party as long as he could stay. I accepted the offer from this irresistably sexy man. He ended up getting lost and arriving at the beach. I just assumed that we were early. He told me he was lost and that he was out of gas. We walked along the shore of the beach holding hands for about 30 minutes. Next thing I knew we were making out falling to the ground. Before either one of us could think he took his shirt of and I took my shorts off. I yanked his shorts off and stroked his penis. I then spread my legs wide and he pushed into me. I didn’t realize how big he was (11 inches) untill he was inside me. I screamed and screamed. Little did we know that there were people that lived right next door. We had been making love for about 45 minutes when the police showed up. Me and Marco got up and ran as fast as we could. We escaped and we are still dating and still actively sexaul.We are hoping to become parents some day but not for a while. He got the whole thing on video! He showed to his friend and a week later I found myself in a foursome with his friends Tim and Steve. It was so sexy!

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