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Anna Jane

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: my apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It all started when I went to college. I met this kid Christian at a dance party and we started grinding to the music, my back to his front. I could feel his erection through his jeans, poking against my butt. it felt so good. He put his hands on my boobs as we danced to the music. It felt good to move along to the songs with him. Then I turned to the front and he put his hands on my butt. I could feel his erection poking at my front now. I wanted to have sex with him right then and there. I looked in his beautiful eyes and we started making out. I couldn’t take it anymore, and we couldnt have sex right there on the dance floor so I grabbed his hand and we ran to my apartment. No one was home, so we went to my bed and i pulled his pants off and he ripped my shirt off. he unhooked my bra and started fondling my boobs. He ripped off my skirt and shoved his hard-on up me. It felt so nice. he pushed himself inside me and we rocked together. it was amazing! we did it all night and then he slept over. now we do it every time my roommates are out of town 🙂 he is sexy.

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