When I was 35 years old I was teaching Sunday School at our church to the 7th and 8th graders. One of the students in my class, whom I remember very distinctly, was Anne P__________. At 14, she was positively the most disruptive, incorrigible student in the class. Several times I had to order her out of the classroom, and finally I had to report her to her parents. Even after they had a talk with her, he behavior was pretty bad, and I was so relieved and happy when she finally left the 8th grade.I used to see her in church after that, with her parents, as she was growing up. She was a pretty girl, and she grew into a very attractive young woman. When she was about 21, she was married. Then I did not see her for several years. I heard that she had gotten a divorce after a couple of years, and then had married again — to someone who she was dating even while she was married. These were all rumors, so I didn’t pay much attention to them. Then a few months ago, to mysurprise, I ran into Anne again. She was working as a pharmacist at this new drug store where I went to get a prescription filled one evening, near their closing time. She recognized me right away, and said Hi. She filled my prescription and we continued to exchange small talk. Then she told me she was glad because this was the last prescription of the day, and she could go home. It was around 11:00 p.m. at night. As we walked out of the store together that evening, we continued to talk, and she brought up the subject of how I had kicked her out of Sunday School class and what a bad young teenager she had been. I just laughed and said that was all water under the bridge, and that I was glad to see her and how she had turned out into such an attractive young lady. Then she surprised me by saying, “You know why I acted up so much in class, don’t you? I said, No, I had no idea. She then said, “I had a big crush on you at that time, and wanted you to pay attention to me. Again, I laughed and said that that was flattering, but I was sure she’d found a nice young man. As we stood by my car in the parking lot, she recounted how she had been married for a couple of years and then had found someone else and had cheated on her husband, and then gotten divorced. And then, astoundingly she said, “You know, throughout allthese twen years, I’ve still sort of carried a torch for you. That school girlcrush never went away.” I tried to change the subject, but she kept on talking and telling me how she’d have these dreams that she was having sex with me, and that even now that she was married again, she’d have these fantasies while having sex with her husband, that she was having it with me! I could scarcely believe my ears. Well, to make a long story short, that evening, we ended up in my car, and taking a drive over to the deserted church parking lot, in the back, and having sex in the back seat. At 45, here I was with this 24 year old young lady who had been my student 20 years ago. We both knew it was wrong, but she told me how much she had wanted me all these years, and that really inflated my ego to the point where I couldn’t resist her. It was one of the finest fucks I have ever had. Since that night, I’ve been back for several refills, and I always go near closing time. The sex we have had is simply incredible!