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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my boyfriends RV
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

wow its a really interesting story…
first off, i was soooo not supposed to be with him. i told my mom i was with a friend. (im a bad role model).
so i had known him since 7th grade, but never talked to him. at the beginning of freshman year, we became quite close.
of course, we ended up going out about two weeks into freshman year.
i know this is way too early for sex, but we’re all human.
we walked through the woods to his RV at his dad’s shop. (we were with our other friend too). it was dark outside, so all the workers left. his parents didnt know i was there either.
now for the details…
we got in the RV with our friend, and he waited outside the separate room. it was really dark in there..
he put on the condom. (i suggest ultra ribbed ones, they feel amazing!!)
it was his first time too, so we were both really nervous. i was even shaking. he asked me about a million times if i really wanted to. i obviously said yes every time. it was kinda emberassing..
him=”so umm…how do we do this?”
me=”idk… i think youre supposed to be on top..”

so we finally got to it. sure, everyone thinks “nahh, im not gonna make noises. thats stupid.” but um… you really cant help it. AT ALL.
for all you girls wondering if it hurts, well, it does. a lot. always have him on top.
haha, this was funny.

me=”is it all the way in???!!”
him= “nope”

so we were at it for about 20 min. pain and everything.
we turned on the light, and we both looked sweaty and nasty..but it was all worth it. so we all fell asleep, and the next morning i woke up and i was bleeding.

donttt worry if youre bleeding for about two weeks after your first time.
it happened to me.

and just a tip… dont tell anyone. it will go around the whole school. just..dont do it.

always use protection. dont want any children getting pregnant!

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