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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: her dorm room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We’d been dating, but aside from innocent hugging and an occasional quick-kiss, there’d been nothing physical between us. One Friday night, she told me that her roommate would be gone for the weekend. Oddly, we’d both been having nightmares almost every night recently, and she was concerned that hers would be worse if she knew she was alone. That sounds odd, I guess, but it made sense to me at the time. I offered to stay with her until she fell asleep. I swear sex was the furthest thing from our minds. Well, on second thought, no, that’s not quite true. We were college kids, both in our first relationship, so of course sex was ALWAYS on our minds, but what I mean to say is that despite the fact that this night sounds like a deliberate set-up, it really wasn’t; both of us had innocent intentions, and I fully intended to leave once she’d fallen asleep.

We made a night of it. We watched a movie in the student lounge, we ordered out, and we fell asleep in each other’s arms — nothing unusual for us so far, and nothing sexual had happened at this point, although when we woke up in the middle of the night, a charge was definitely in the air. She awoke from another nightmare, startling me awake in the process. I held her and kissed her to make her feel better, and before long, the kisses were less innocent and more passionate. My hands ran up and down her back in a firm but gentle caress, and although I desperately wanted my hands to slide down just a little further, I forced myself to be a gentleman.

She was the first to start the R-rated touching. I couldn’t believe a girl was touching me there — and on purpose! She gave me a couple of gentle, playful tugs, but it wasn’t long before we stopped playing and our hands were doing some serious exploring of each other’s bodies. At some point, she said something that sounded romantic at the time — “I want every inch of my body to touch every inch of yours” — but now, to anyone else, that probably sounds like a cliched line from a cheap romance novel. The funny thing about that line — I think we managed to accomplish that goal.

The next morning, the sun shone like any other day, and if it weren’t for the sensation of her naked body against mine, I surely would have believed that the previous night had been a dream. As we had in the middle of the night, we seemed to awake at the same instant. From bed, she reached over for something on the desk. I have no memory at all of what she was reaching for. Her watch? A ringing phone? An article of clothing? I just don’t remember. What I do remember is that as she reached, her naked breasts dangled inches from my face. Considering how shy she’d been before all of this happened, there was something about the casualness of this act that made it even more sensual than anything we’d done in the night. I gave each of her breasts a soft kiss, and she looked at me with a look of feigned annoyance but a huge grin that betrayed her real thoughts. That was my first time.

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