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Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well it was close to my birthday and i was makin 10.my boyfriend[i know to yung but don care.] dont read if you gone judge.well he was 12 and i really liked him.loved him wed been together for years.we were making out on my moms bed one night.and we begun to strip each other.and yeah i knew about condoms and all that at this age.cause i read and they taught us this.and he knew whaqt to do to turn me on.he ate me out.and i dont give head.so i just teased him.and we were getting into it and he had on a condom and we only had bottoms off in case someone walked in on us.like my mom or his dad.well i was in pain but it subsided and it felt good.i rode him.and yes i found out i was skilled for my age.we’ve had sex many times since then.im 15 now and we still together.we might be husband and wife someday.

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