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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Summer Vacation
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

My first time

My family often spent a few weeks during the summer at my uncle’s lake cabin. This summer was the same except for the fact, that this was the summer I became a woman. I lost my virginity to a guy that was staying at another cabin down the road. I was 15 years old and despite thinking I knew more then most in the area of sex, I had been sexually active with other girls since I was 12 years old and thanks to my brothers collection of dirty magazines and books I thought I knew it all. I really had no idea, yes I knew a lot but I found out there was so much I didn’t know. I had met this guy Mark while swimming at a beach not that far from my uncles cabin. He was older then I was, he was 19 but he was fun to talk too and always seemed to pay attention to me when I felt ignored by every one else. When ever I could I would try and spend time with him. My uncle’s cabin is on a small lake with a few other cabins, surrounded by thick woods. I always loved going for long walks in those woods, even today I still spend time up there when I want to get way from it all. It had been an exceptionally warm day and my family just seemed to be in a bad mood and not wanting to do anything other then lay out on the beach. So I walked down the road to the cabin where Mark was staying. When he saw me walking he walked too me and asked how I was doing. I went into a long story about how annoying my family had been all day and were being so boring. I then asked him if he wanted to go hiking in the woods with me. (for the most part every time I was around Mark there had been other people, this time it was just him and I alone) I think we had been walking, talking, and sort of flirting for over an hour when we came up to this small pond deep in the woods with tall soft grass growing all around it. We decided that this would be a good spot to sit and rest for a little bit. We laid down in the soft grass next to each other watching the clouds slowly pass over us. I had been wearing shorts and a tank top with my bikini under it, and after laying there for a little bit I asked Mark if he would mind if we staid there a little while and just relax. He said he had all day with nothing better to do then to be with me. Mark made me feel comfortable being around him so I didn’t think anything when I decided to take my tank top and shorts off, wearing just my bikini to work on my tan. Mark couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of me and having an older guy like him looking at me like that made me feel good. We laid there a while longer and our talking turned more and more into nothing but flirting. I had only known him a few days but I was beginning to feel close to him and in my mind wondering what it would be like to be his girlfriend. Then it happened, he asked me if he could kiss me. My heart jumped wanting him to so bad. Nervously I shyly said OK… He rolled over onto his side leaning on me as he moved into kiss me for the first time. His lips pressed to mine and we kissed. He pulled up looking me in the eye and told me that I was so beautiful and then kissed me again. Our kissing got more and more passionate and I was enjoying every bit of it even the wet French kissing. His hands were all over me and when his hands moved to my breast I didn’t stop him. I was just happy that I was actually making out with a 19 year old guy. I did get a little nervous when I felt him undo the knots of my bikini top as his hand pushing the cloth from my breast. But when I felt his warm hand touching my bare breast, feeling so good I just let him touch me how he wanted. After a few minutes of his hands playing with my breast and our hot kissing, he rolled over father almost on top of me. One of his legs went between mine, spreading them a little. And his kissing moved down to my neck and then down farther to my breast. His warm lips sucking my nipples felt so good, his hands moving over my skin was wonderful, I was lost in the passion of the moment. He repositioned himself again, I assumed to get more comfortable as he spread my legs even wider so both his legs were now between mine and he was on top of me. He pulled off his shirt and when he laid down on top of me again sucking another nipple into his mouth I could feel his warm skin pressed to mine. After a time he raised himself up looking at me in the eyes almost like he was looking for something. That’s when I felt his fingers pulling my bikini bottoms to one side. With him still looking into my eyes I felt his penis touch me. I froze out of fear, my mind going wild, what was I doing? I was so scared at that moment, realizing I let things go to far and even more scared that if I tried to stop him he would be so mad at me and hate me. I know he saw the fear in my eyes but that didn’t stop him. I felt him move a little on top of me and then as he started to push I felt his penis spreading my lips. I slowly and shaking took a long deep breath looking into his eyes, only to see him close them. I thought about pushing him off and running away but before I had any real time to think it out, he pushed into me, stopping when I think he felt resistance. He looked into my eyes again and I think it was then that he realized I was still a virgin. He started to pull out and for an instant I thought this might be over but with out any warning he pushed back into me real hard, pushing through my hymen and deep inside me. I couldn’t help it as my breathing quickened and tears came to my eyes from the pain of being fully penetrated for the first time. I was no longer a virgin. (looking back on it now I know I hadn’t been ready for it at the time and that I probably should have stopped him, but at the same time, it’s hard to explain, I’m glad it happened) He continued pumping in and out of me while all I did was just lay there trying to control the tears coming to my eyes. He tried to comfort me a little telling me how beautiful I was and how wonderful my body felt to him. But in truth, him saying those things between each thrust and grunt did little to make me feel any better. To me it felt like he had been pumping into me for a long time but in reality I think it had only been a few minutes when he finely pushed deep into me one last time as he came, exploding inside me. He lowered himself down on top of me breathing real hard with his penis still inside me. When he came inside me I could feel his penis throb and his cum felt like hot stinging pins as he shot into me, and now with him laying on me I could feel him getting soft and slowly slipping out of me. He rolled off of me onto his back next to me. I looked over at him with wide eyes to see his shorts down around his legs and his penis limp but wet and shinny from our sex. When I noticed a little bit of blood on him realizing that it was from me I rolled over on my side facing away from him and began to cry more, trying to stay quiet so he didn’t notice. I don’t know how long we laid like that next to each other, but a little bit later I felt his hands at the sides of my bikini bottoms as he started to pull them down off of me. Again I didn’t stop him. I rolled over onto my stomach as he pulled them completely off me. He strattled my legs and his hands went to rubbing my back and shoulders. I could feel him getting hard again with his penis resting sort of between my butt cheeks. I had finely stopped crying and his hands on my skin massaging my shoulders and back had gotten me to relax some and I think the shock of loosing my virginity was subsiding. When he pulled my bottoms off and I felt him getting hard again I knew this wasn’t over yet. And for the first time I actually stopped thinking about myself, or how I was feeling, but rather I wanted to make him happy. Feeling his penis hardening even more resting on my butt, I arched my back and pushed my butt up a little, I reached back with my hands spreading my own butt inviting him to take me again. His penis slipped down and when I felt it touch my pussy I pushed back a little. His hand went between us, using it to push his penis into me again from behind. I guess I sort of woke up then realizing that even though we were alone, we were out side in the open under the open blue sky. Anyone could have walked down that trail and seen us there both completely naked having sex. But the realization did little more then to get me even more hot as I felt him push deep inside me. Even though it still hurt feeling him move inside me, I was no longer scared or nervous feeling. It took a little longer this time but he came deep inside me again. But this time even though it still stung a little when he came inside me I had an over whelming feeling of being at peace. I was no longer just that little girl, I was now a woman, a woman that could make a real man feel good with my body. We had sex four times that first day next to the pond in the woods. The only time he helped me actually orgasm was in the water when we were cleaning up, he held me close with one arm while his other hand was under the water between my legs rubbing my pussy frantically.
We had sex several times over the next week, once even under the dock with my uncle and brothers unknowingly standing over us. Almost each time he came inside me, which I knew better as far as possibly getting pregnant but even though the thought scared me in the back of my mind I never stopped him or told him not to. That turned out to be the best summer vacation I have ever had. I never did see or hear from Mark again after that. I did write him a few letters but I don’t know if he ever received them because he never wrote back. To this day when ever I go to my uncles cabin I sort of look for him, even though I know his family doesn’t own the cabin he was staying in anymore. And I still go back to that pond (sun tanning nude) and think about him and what we did there. I have never taken anyone else back to our pond, always going there alone secretly hoping Mark will find me there one of these days.

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