Where it happened: Boyfriends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My first time was with this guy that had been my best friend when I was about six years old. He was really nice and loved me but being the bitch I am I just used him as my backup boyfriend when I got dumped or got tired of another guy. Well I was spending the night at his house, I was suppose to sleep on the couch, but we were watching movies on his be in his room and I decided that I wanted to have sex. It wasn’t because I loved him, or I was horny, it was a stupid thing, I didn’t want to be the last one of my friends to be a virgin. We were spooning and I started to hump back into him to make him hard, when he got horny we just did it. It was so awful, I could barely feel him cause he was small, and he was not the best looking guy so I made him keep his shirt on (I am such a bitch), plus he sucked at kissing so that was bad too. I felt so shitty. It wasn’t good, I didn’t like it and I know it was a bad decision. The only good thing to come out of it was that I found out that I like girls better than guys when it comes to sex. I’m gay! It was a revelation to me.