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Artist. Student. Friend. Sister. Slacker. Fashion Fiend. Vice Fiend.

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: EAST VILLAGE DORM ROOM, NY, NY
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Before you go on, I better warn you now that what you will will find ahead is far from tittlating. However, if you are brave and are willing to let 5 mins of your time on earth go to waste, dont say i didnt warn ya:

I guess i should tell you my the prelude to my fateful night:I fell in love and he broke my heart and so came a low point. I didnt think i’d ever lose my virginity after he ripped my heart apart, he was all i dreamed of. Weeks after finally coming to gripes with the fact that it was a hopeless endevour, I became a recloose.

Sept/Oct 2002 19 years old and have given up the dream of the perfect defloweration night.

bar with the girls
boy buys drink
boy is gorgeous
6’1″ blonde, sparkling blue eyes, straight-white smile, gucci baseball cap
Scruffy Pro SnowBoarder.
My whole world became a euphoric shades of pink and turquoise.
Laughed a bit, talked a bit.
Kissed a bit.

Days went by, all meetings arranged fell thru, until…
Event for screening of his Snowboard Video name be withheld lounge.
Make short story short. Grade A pain.

yours truly,
Artist. Student. Friend. Sister. Slacker. Fashion Fiend. Vice Fiend.

P.S. My mother told me “Be careful, once you start you dont stop.” Now ain’t that the truth!

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