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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: basement
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

It was summer going into freshman year of highschool. Other than making out, I hadn’t done much sexually before. To understand the story of my first time having sex, you need to first understand the first few times I did anything at all…

I had a rather abusive boyfriend for a few weeks in 7th grade who pretty much “pressured” me to do a lot of different things. By pressured, I mean he wouldn’t ask, but rather just start doing things under the cover of a blanket or such while we were on the couch with his friends around. He knew full well that I wouldn’t want to be labeled a slut if anyone knew what we were doing, and he used this to his advantage. Because of this, my first few times were very unpleasant. To give an idea, my very first time was in his friend’s basement. It was me, my boyfriend, and three other friends. He had asked me to wear a skirt that day, saying my legs looked sexy in them. So I did. When I got there, we started watching a movie and after about ten minutes I felt him slowly sliding his hand up my leg. I whispered for him to stop and he did…. until about 10 minutes later when he decided to quickly reach up my skirt, grab my panties, and yank them down, and eventually off, my ankles. I felt the cool air against my bare pussy and i immediately tried crossing my legs to cover it. He was ahead of me tho and already had his hand between my thighs. He began stroking my pussy, and for a few seconds I actually began to enjoy the feeling and relax. That soon changed when he decided it was entrance time. Without warning, I felt him push his finger in. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t (I had never actually “fingered” myself before, just rubbed my clit. He continued roughly and slowly the pain subsided. I felt him remove his fingers and I was relived. Apparently he wasn’t satisfied tho and took the opportunity to “explore”. He pushed me onto my back and positioned himself on top of me. I suddenly felt a feeling I wasn’t used to feeling except on the toilet. Before I realized what was happening I felt something penetrate my most private hole. He began fingering my ass and the tears welled up in my eyes. When he had enough, he took one last hard jab with what seemed to be 3 or 4 fingers (it felt like a lot) and then roughly pulled them free. He leaned over and whispered something about not being able to wait to “fuck me up there” but I was too busy crying to care. His last effort was to stuff his asshole coated fingers in my mouth until I “sucked them clean”. As I did, I felt spurts of something hot against my bare pussy. As he removed the fingers from my mouth and repositioned himself, the blanket moved, and I realized he had his cock out and had been jerking off. At this point I realized what the hot goo was dripping down my pussy lips. I also realized that the last “jab” in my ass wasn’t a bunch of fingers, but rather his cock. I was embarrassed and hurt and couldn’t even speak the rest of the night. He refused to let me leave and clean up, and he refused even more fiercely to give me back my panties. When we went to leave, he made me walk pantiless up the stairs first with his friends in tow. I felt their gaze against my cum coated pussy, and was assured they saw when I heard the snickering.

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