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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Boyfriends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

So this isn’t about the first time having sex, that has yet to happen, this is my first time giving a blow job. I know it sounds stupid but i was actually worried about giving my boyfriend a blow job, we have been going out for 11 months so far, he is also my first boyfriend, the first guy i have done anything with. I’m waiting for sex til i am 18 at LEAST, just because i really do not want to regret it. Well i have been taunting my boyfriend the last month by just licking his dickhead for a second then stopping, so i decided i would follow through on it. I wanted to make him feel good. So we were at his house and we were watching the movie Hoosiers. We were laying on his bed cuddling, since we were over at his house he had on pj pants so i could see his boner. i pulled down his pants a little and slipped my hand under and started to rub his dick, nothing new, i have done that a few times in the past 4 months. He then leaned over and we started to make out, then he got even harder. I started playing a game to distract him, i told him “open your eyes, close your eyes, take off your glasses, open your eyes, close your glasses, place them on your chest, close your eyes”. By this time i had taken my hand off his dick when we made out, so while his eyes had shut i moved my hand to his dick again, then i put it in my mouth, i was so worried about doing it because i hadn’t done it before, and i didn’t want to bite him. I did different *techniques* over 15 minutes, i accidently rubbed my teeth over one time but did not bite him. I didn’t make him cum, i never have with my hand or my mouth, and i kinda don’t want to. Just doing this got him super horny though. It was an interesting thing to do, and I’m sure i will do it again but i still worry about biting. The one thing i have to say i enjoyed was feeling his leg kinda twitch cuz it felt good and also watching his face. Guys are funny =]

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience