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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Japan
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

The powers-that-be set up an R & R flight to Japan for everybody and I was lucky enough to get assigned as radio operator(from Guam). The flight went easily and soon I found myself heading out the gate for a whorehouse with the rest of the guys. It was a thriller! I was had so many times I blew myself out. 2 days and 2 nights – then
back to Guam(they’re ain’t amy spare women there.
And I do have another story – about my wedding night about two and a half years later. My high school girlfriend and I got married in Rhode Island. After the ceremony we proceeded to our new lodgings and prepared for bed, then retired. KissyLovey,etc. Eventually the big moment and I shove it in. Wow – – much mo’betta! We screwed twice more before morning. We were both sore, but survived, and got lots better at it. End of story.
PS – my father-in-law gave us a new car as a wedding present – he didn’t have to pay for the wedding!

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