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At last

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: at a party
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

So I’m lying on top of Sue,deep inside her, unable to move as there were at least 3 other people asleep in the room and I started to think back over the last 3 years of the Journey me and my 6 INCH MATE had taken to get here.

It started with Nikki, not the first girl I kissed but the first one who didn’t push my hand away when I touched her chest!

It was on a camp, we had been talking for a while and then headed into the darkness for a walk. I kissed her laid her down, and after 20 minutes. i had my hsnd inside her top. i unclipped her bra first go, and was working my way up her stomach to suck her nipples, when she called a halt.

the next 4 months followed a pattern of what was allowed. Feeling below the waist, with clothes on for both of us. Sucking tits was allowed, but any attempt to get into her knickers was very quickly stopped. WELL SHE AS ONLY 15, and a good girl.I even told her i loved her, I’t didn’t work! The only time a blew it was when she invited me to the locked up snooker room one night at the Squash Club, she had had 2 vodka’s but i wanted to dance and didn’t realise till the next day I had missed my chance!

Just before we split up, she did put her hand down my trousers and onto my dick bare. But i blew ny chance of a handjob, when i stuck my hand up her skirt, got inside her knickers and was just heading for gold, when she called a very firm halt.
We split up soon after.

I had a few months of beating the bishop on my own,then I met Leona. It was lust at first sight. She trned me on so much, in fact to this day there has never been anyone i fantasize about so much. I was also very emotional with Lee, she could put butterflies in me just thinking about her. It’s a feeling i have never really had again, you would probably call it “first love”

What was different with Leona was she NEVER tried to stop me, but in 5 months we never had sex.

She was very passive, i remember expecting her to stop me at any moment.She always wore skirts, so i could play with her, and she did give me 2 handjobs. Although the first was my hand on top of hers showing her what to do, and the 2nd she said “I’m not doing this every time”

There were so many close times. at the beach when we were naked in the sandunes. At my house in my Mother’s bed, when my grandmother disturbed us. At her best friends house (More to come on Steff later) when we were making out on the floor whilst Steff and her boyfriend had the bed (they made even less use of it than us, as i later found out).In her room when her sister told us to move out cos she needed to sleep. At the cinema, when she left knickerless, cannot even remember the film and had hold of my fully erect dick all the was home, it was the only time I even saw her get frustrated at us not making it.Her mother was not stupid and knew we had eiter done it or were very close, so she was not my biggest fan.

Leona had only 1 rule, she would not suck it, despite me putting it next to her lips a few times. i spend most of our sessions with my head between her legs. Leona, If you even read this, i actually hate doing this now, because no-one as even tasted as nice as you, in fact my advise guys is only go down on virgins, once you pop her she never tastes the same!!

Our final attempt was just before we broke up at her house. She came back from a break in our petting, wearing full stockings, suspenders and looking very sexy ( I think she thought it wold make me see her as a woman, it did!!). But as often happened, I had prem and lost the moment. She finally got fed up and lost her virginity to a boy who “couldn’t come” so i heard!but this put her Mum’s mind at rest!

During the time i was going out with Leona, i had become good friends with a girl in my 6th form college-Louise. She had told me all about how she had lost it to Pete,Pete also told all the blokes about it, After Leona and me split up, she was between boyfriends. Sorry Pete she did say her second shag was much better and he did go down on her, apparently you wouldn’t.

Me and Louise, went to a Party, Steff (Leona’s best friend) invited us to. I wanted to show Lee I was over her, so we made it a date. I only remember seeing Steff in a different light that night.I was over Lee.Steff and I had talked many times before but always about Lee, it didn’t seen right to go from Lee to her, but with Louise and a few others in between it seemed ok.

I wasn’t getting anywhere with Louise, she had decided that sex was great, but not with me, she did let me have few gropes but wasn’t into virgins, she wanted men!

I had another couple of goes with other girls. One whose boyfriend- had done it to her, she told me all about it,i was really up for it BUT, he was a physico and turned up early one night to pick her up, my mate John said I had a lucky escape.

2 more above the waste only girls. Sorry Leona one was whilst we were going out- remember that week i was away on camp- well i never even got my finger in. I thought sex would never happen.

Me and Steff (remember her)had remained friends, we went out with my mates a few times. i don’t think Steff had been to nightclubs, so she really enjoyed coming out with us. When we finally snogged, my mates, gave us a round of applause, it had taken so long.

I remember her asking a few questions about what me and Leona did that night. I was very diplomatic, but if you are reading this Steff, we were so turned on that night. Leona was so wet when I went down on her, it was such a turn on thinking about the other couple. Steff did tell me tha she had not gone far on that night, in fact had done very little so far. It was going to be a challenge to get into her pants, but I had to try.

We were parked up outside a nightclub, she had a summer dress on, so easy access, but as my hand was being moved away from her tits, this was just on the outside, I didn’t think much would happen.I got between her legs on top of her in the passenger seat and eased my hands over her bum. I was slowly hitching her dress up. But my dick was twisted. I reached down and managed to release him out into the open through my zip. I began dry humping her, she loved it. I got my hands down the back of her knickers and was rubing myself on the exact entry spot, then glidding over her clit. She was moaning like hell. Steff was allowing this, in fact i even managed to push her knickers very slightly inside her. After I realise i was going to get no further. I sat back in the drivers seet, and was putting him away when she said “did you have it out” i was shocked that she didn’t know as he had been against her naked thigh. i offered for her to see him ,but she flatly refused and we drove home in silience.

So back to the beginning, Thanks Sue for breaking me in, I loved our time together, you were so patient,She was my first adult relationship. when I realise it was not just about sex, i think it really helps when one of you know what to do. We had a great sex life over the next 2 years. i never had any probs after that I made it “at last”

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