I was born a twin – the younger twin by twelve minutes (he never let me forget it, either) – and it seemed that my brother and I each inherited half of the traits of a normal human being. We were kind of like Captain Kirk when he was split into two – “good Kirk” and “bad Kirk.”
For a while I actually thought I’d become a priest (thank God I didn’t go through with that), while my brother was about as far away from saintly as he could get – the first time he got laid (as he put it) he . Me, I was still a virgin on the day of his wedding.
But, as different as we were, we were very close – far closer than friends.
Sal (his name – I’m Augie) and I grew up in Little Italy in Youngstown – a tough, gritty town and a rough neighborhood. Lots of the girls in our group put out early – and were “early adopters” of tattoos, body piercing, shit like that. But not in my crowd – that was Sal’s friends.
At least until Gina came into his life. We’d grown up in the same neighborhood – she’d always been my dream, but I never had the courage to approach her … and Sal seemed to ignore her (she wasn’t in his “crowd”). And with good reason: She was an angel – pure, smooth, creamy skin – glossy black hair, and a figure that wouldn’t quit. Voluptuous would be an understatement – she was like a living Barbie doll. Yet she was innocent – pure in soul, spirit and body – and as unlike Sal as I was.
I never figured out what she saw in him – she told me later that he really tried to clean up his act. He must have, because Sal got a job, started going to Junior College at night, and basically started acting responsible. She fell for him head-over-heels. I was stunned … and secretly consumed with jealousy. She was my dream – and his fiance.
Anyway, the day finally came. I was (naturally) Sal’s best man. The night before, after the rehearsal dinner, we were going out for a batchelor’s party. Gina took me aside before we left … her scent was heavenly … wildflowers, clear water and young woman (I was in heaven) and whispered in my ear … “Take care of him, Augie … please.” I swore to her that I’d do my best.
My best wasn’t good enough. The party started early … lots of drinking, mostly by Sal … and we wound up in a titty bar (I’d never been, and hope to God I never go again). The dancers were as lewd as they were beautiful, as enticing as they were out of reach. While they danced, and Sal stared at their chests and pussies as if he’d never seen a naked woman before (I knew better) – like he wasn’t going to be with a naked angel the next night (the very thought ate at my soul).
After too many drinks, Sal tried to get on stage – tried to grab and nuzzle the women – I tried again and again to pull him back – but he had the strength of lust, and kept slipping out of my grasp … it wasn’t long before a bouncer decided to show Sal the door … the hard way. Face first out the door, he got banged up pretty bad; but he was so drunk he didn’t even know.
The next morning, I my soul felt as bad as Sal looked – as bad as his hangover felt. I’d let Gina down. I was sick. Sal was, too – but not over the way he’d dishonored his future bride. No, he just felt like shit from the hangover, the bruises and scrapes. I spent the day trying to put him together. He spent the day drinking, trying to feel good again.
Come time for the wedding, he looked pretty good – he’d cleaned up OK – but he was half-lit. It didn’t show, but it was the only way (he said) to get over his hangover.
The ceremony was beautiful. In my heart, I said “I do” to Gina … and much clearer than the almost-reluctant mumbled “I do” that Sal half-whispered. But they were married, and after the photos, we were at the reception hall – and Sal went straight to the champaign. I couldn’t believe how much he was drinking – and while he could handle a lot, he was drinking beyond his capacity.
When it came time to leave, Gina came up to me. The same angelic smell, the same beautifully sad smile – the same throaty, sexy whisper … “Augie, please drive – it’s starting to snow and I don’t think Sal’s up to it.”
So there I was, 20 minutes later, helping my nearly dead-drunk identical twin brother into his honeymoon suite. It was like 3:30 in the morning – way late – and the snow had gotten intense. I could see Gina was ready – but I could also see she was hurting. She had dreams of what her wedding night would be – and Sal had made damn sure that was impossible.
Before she slipped into the bathroom of their suite to get “ready,” she asked me to stay – to sleep on the sofa in the living room (they had a huge suite). God, I wanted to stay – but not on the sofa – but I also wanted to be anywhere else in the Universe. I couldn’t believe – here was my angel – Gina – and here was my shithead brother fucking up his first night with her. I couldn’t stand it.
But it was snowing so hard that the roads were already closed – I could get another room (that I couldn’t afford) or I could stay. Still, it ate at my soul, but I couldn’t turn her down (I never could). And she asked me to help Sal get ready – he was pretty shit-faced, and still drinking, like he was trying to drown something …
Anyway, she disappeared into the bathroom, I helped Sal get down to his jockeys – that’s as far as I was willing to go – and kind of poured him into bed. Then I slipped out, shut the door and slipped into the living room. There, I turned on the TV loud enough so I wouldn’t be able to hear anything – then got down to my own jockeys, laid down on the sofa, and tried NOT to think about what was going on behind the door.
I must have dozed off – suddenly, there was this angel leaning on my shoulder, kneeling there in front of me. Crying softly. Without thinking, I reached out an arm and pulled her close, her hair gently caressing my shoulder as her tears dripped into my curly chest hairs. I just held her while she sobbed, trying to hold down my natural, spontaneous reaction …
“What’s wrong, Gina?” I asked her gently, wondering what my shitheel brother had done to this precious angel.
“It’s Sal … he … he …” she broke down and I knew. He was gone. Passed out. On her wedding night. The most important night in her life – and his, the dick-head. I was furious at him, but kept that inside, holding her gently while she sobbed. I couldn’t help feeling her pillow-soft breasts rubbing my chest, her hardening nipples rubbing burning tracks of raw fire across my pecs. I was in heaven – and hell. My brother’s wife, and here I was holding her – when he should have been … I couldn’t even think about it.
“I’m so sorry, Gina …” I was. As much as I hated my brother for what he was doing to this angel, I still felt sorry for Gina, and wished that – for once in his life – Sal had lived up to his responsibility.
“Don’t be, Augie … I’m the one who am sorry.” Huh? I didn’t know what she meant – but not wanting to screw things up – not wanting her to move away from my arms – I said nothing. Soon, she explained. “I’m sorry I married Sal … it should have been you, Augie. Why, God, couldn’t it have been you? You’re everything I ever wanted …”
I was stunned – I couldn’t speak. But she could … “I always loved you, but you ignored me.” My fear and shyness – and look what I’d missed. “But if I couldn’t have you … I thought maybe, maybe if he shaped up, Sal could be like you. But he’ll never be like you. He’ll never shape up … oh God, what have I done?” And she started crying, really sobbing, holding me tight and beginning to run her hands across my chest. I could feel a rising pressure in my jockeys, and tried to think myself limp. I never had a chance.
Her head was still nestled into my shoulder, but I could feel her lips, the tentative start of gentle kisses, as her hands roamed farther and farther across my chest and down across my tight stomach.
“Gina …” I said, not knowing what I would say next.
“Hush, Augie. It’s my wedding night – I’ve waited all my life for this night. For the night I’d give up the most intimate part of me to the man I love with all my heart. And I’m going to, Augie … I’m going to.”
I knew it was wrong – I felt it was wrong – but I was powerless to stop. This was the woman I’d dreamed about since I – and she wanted what I had dreamed of giving her. I stroked her hair, rubbed her back, and let her carry me to heaven …
She began to kiss her way down my chest, down my abs, down to the little curly hairs that peaked out of the top of my jockeys. Then, as she kept kissing her way south, she gently but firmly pulled my jockeys down – I was so hard that my cock slapped against my belly, so loud it sounded like a gun-shot to me. Before the bounce, she caught the head of my cock in her lips. It was an electric shock, like a velvet cattle prod – I alkmost jumped off the couch, but her gentle weight kept me firmly in place. As her tongue gently tickled the tip of my cock,
her lips engulfed it, sucking me deep. I stroked her back, down to her cute, soft ass – and when I ran a finger along her crack, she inhaled me in her passion … deeper and deeper until I exploded in her mouth … I wanted to warn her, but it came across me so quickly that I couldn’t … I was about to apologize, embarrassed, when she looked up with the most beautiful smile and thanked me. Then slowly, so slowly, she slithered up my chest and planted a deep, probing kiss on my lips, my tongue … it was like nothing I could imagine.
I kept rubbing her, pulling her incredible sheer gown up and putting my hand on the soft, warm skin of her back. She moaned and wiggled and rolled over – my hand follwed her, and soon I was holding an unbelievably smooth breast, capped by a hard, burning (in my hand) nipple. I couldn’t stop – nothing could have stopped me – I slipped my hand inside her gown and, for the first time, touched the skin of a woman’s breast, felt the gentle softness capped by that firm hardness. As I rubbed her nipple, she moaned again, arching her back in the most inviting way. There was no turning back.
With my other hand, I gently pulled her gown over her head – she shook out her hair and lay back down – naked flesh against naked flesh. I was hard again – achingly hard – but I wanted to do this right. Completely right. I leaned over and took a dark brown nipple into my mouth, gently rolling it between my lips as I flicked it with my tongue … gently, I sucked, pulling the nipple further into my mouth, suckling and tweaking it and sending all the love into my soul into her heart, just below her breast. She shuddered, cried out “My God, Augie …” and came … I was stunned, but not enough to stop me.
As I continued to lick and suck her perfect breasts, my hand slowly worked it’s way down across her smooth, flat and firm belly, past the gentle indentation of her navel, and down to her rich patch of jet-black curls … like a forest, guarding her treasure from sight. But not from my probing fingers. I explored territory new to me – new, but exciting. I could feel her arching up, reaching for my fingers, trying to pull them in. I rubbed them through the slick velvet of her lips, caressed and explored her opening vagina, then pulled out and flicked her clitoris … again she shuddered, coming again and again.
Her cries could have waked the dead – but couldn’t reach the alcohol-fogged brain of my drunken brother. While my hand kept gently exploring, my lips left her breast and began a slow, sensuous journey of their own, down to her pussy. A gentle lick, tasting that glorious sweet nectar. Then another, tweaking and nudging her clit. Then a plunge – like a miniature cock – into her opening, then back to her clit. I took her lips between mine, sucking them into my mouth – then frenched her clit with my tongue … it was as exciting for her as it was for me, and again she came, drenching me and calling my name.
Then she grabbed my head, my ears, my hair, and began pulling me up her body. I crawled forward on my lips, kissing my way back up – her smooth, firm belly, her gloriously swollen breasts, her mountain-top nipples … and as my lips met hers, I felt my cock rub up against the outside of her pussy …
“Are you sure, Gina?” I asked … there was still time to stop, to turn back. But her answer was swift, clear and direct. She grabbed my cock and pushed the head into the mouth of her pussy. I knew what she wanted – hell, what we both wanted – so I began to push. Gently, slowly. She was tight – God, she was tight – and I knew she was every bit the virgin I was. I new it would hurt – she did, too – but that wan’t going to stop us. I eased in, further and further, deeper and deeper. Until I came to her hymen – her barrier. There I stopped, waiting … wanting to go further, but not wanting to ever hurt my angel …especially not now.
But Gina knew better. She grabbed two handfuls of my ass and pulled, hard. I kind of jumped – and in that flash of an instant, broke through. I was in all the way – God, it was glorious … and I just stayed there, waiting … holding her so close, but not wanting to do anything until she was ready. I looked down and saw her angelic face – tears were in her eyes, but not tears of pain. Tears of joy and tears of love.
After a moment, she began to move – just a little at first – and I moved with her. Deeper and deeper, faster and faster. In and out and in and out … and she matched me, move for move, hump for hump. She was holding me, rubbing me, pulling me deeper and crying out my name … and I was pumping in to her, deeper with every thrust, feeling the glorious pressure building in me … I was a man – buried deep in the only woman I’d ever loved, the only woman I ever wanted to love. Suddenly, she arched her back and I felt her pussy clamp around my cock like a velvet fist – I pushed as deep as I could go, then unloaded – gushed, load after load of sweet-cream semen into her virgin pussy.
We held each other close, breathing ragged, feeling my cock slowly shrink within her, feeling my come and hers slowly leak out, puddling up on the cushion of the sofa.
“Oh, my God,” I said, finally, still holding her and never wanting to let go. “What have we done? What did I do?”
“You did what was right, Augie – what you wanted and I wanted,” she breathed … “what had to be, what was meant to be …”
Suddenly, we heard a clapping sound. Looking up over the edge of the sofa, we saw Sal – fully dressed, with a suitcase packed next to him, smiling in a way I’d never seen before. A pure, happy, joyous smile. I was stunned. Gina was too.
“Sal …” I said, starting to explain something that couldn’t be explained. Something so horrible …
With a hand, he hushed me. Then gently he tossed his-and-hers matching terrycloth robes to us, and – hidden by the back of the sofa – we bundled up, then looked up.
“Perfect, he said. “Just what I’d hoped for …”
We were both stunned into silence. Sal came around and took a seat on the sofa between us, an arm around each of us.
“Just what I wanted. My two favorite people, together at last.” Gina and I just looked at him – then at each other – then back at him.
“Huh?” That was all I could say.
“Augie,” he began, “I knew how much you loved Gina – and I knew you were too chicken-shit afraid to ever say anything. That was fine with me … I had my own life … until I heard from her brother Joey how much she loved you. And being a proper young lady, she was never going to say anything. So I knew I had to do something.”
We both looked at him … “Sal, this whole thing – it was a set-up?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “It was a set-up for my favorite little brother. I thought I could start dating her, and you’d get jealous …”
“I did – but I’d never …”
“Yeah, I saw that pretty quick. So I had to do something else – and while we were dating, Gina …” he said to his new bride, “I fell in love with you … not like a lover, but like a sister, and a best friend, all rolled into one. You made me want to change, to be something more – and I knew I wanted you to be happy. Really happy. So I decided we should “get married …” and then I could pull the old switcheroo …”
It was starting to become clear. “But how did you know …?”
“I’m sorry, Gina – I knew it would hurt you a lot, for a while, but the only think I could think of was to be a real cast-iron jerk, then leave you hanging … with no one to turn to but Augie here. The snowstorm didn’t hurt, but I figured we’d keep him here anyway …”
“So you … you …” she sputtered …
“Yeah,” he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I figured if I made the two of you mad enough, and hurt enough, you’d turn to each other … and then the love would just kind of take over. And it did – good God, you two were better than any porn film ever made …”
I blushed. Gina blushed. But we reached out and touched each other’s hand, and I could feel the electricity.
“OK, Sal, your plan worked,” I said. “But what now?”
“Simple, little brother. Here.” And he handed me his wallet, with his driver’s licence and other IDs. And his keys – to his place, his car, his life. In the other hand, he had mine – my wallet, my keys, my life.
“I guess your little brother needs to head back home, Sal.” And he winked. “And don’t forget, you’ve got two weeks, then back to the job – and you’re in college now, too – so remember to go to class.”
“What about you, S … Augie?” I think I’m going to move … find a new life. I kind of enjoyed cleaning up my act – now I want to go somewhere that doesn’t know Sal or Augie, and start over. In fact, I think I’d better be going – I hope you left me a full tank of gas in “my” car, brother.”
He got up, and we did, too. Gina reached around his neck and kissed him, deep and thoroughly – not like a sister, but not like a lover, either. “Thank you, Sal – OK, Augie – you’ve made me the happiest woman in the world. I’ll never forget this – or you … and when the time comes, we’ll name our
son Sal – and it will be for you …” I nodded and grinned. It was going to take some getting used to being called Sal, but I had the best incentive in the world!
Without another word, he hugged us both then headed out the door. After it closed, we just stared at each other – realizing that as far as the world knew, we really were married … and always would be. Then Gina dropped her robe, took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. The bed was soft and smooth – like
the flesh on her inner thighs – and our lovemaking was calm and passionate and ecstatic … But each year, we come back to that room, on our anniversary, and on the first night, we get back on that couch. And do it all over again – every nuzzle, ever lick and nip, every gentle caress of hand over nipple, every deep and passionate thrust of hips against hips, cock into pussy. And when Sal Junior was born, my younger twin brother, Augie, came back – every year – to babysit my namesake (and his) while my angel and I recapture our first night of passion.