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Baby look at us

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: A friend's bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

A couple months ago I got to know a kid I’ve gone to school with for years but had never really talked to. We entered the Boston party circuit together, drinking and partying to early hours of the morning with all our friends. One of those nights we ended up in the upstairs bedrooms of my best friend’s house, a huge party raging downstairs, and just the two of behind closed doors. Let me digress to say that this boy was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever laid eyes on. Six feet tall with a beautiful tanned body, muscular but not obnoxiously so, short blond hair and blue, blue eyes and smile that dared you to see how far you could get with him. He had this confidence, some might call it arrogance, about him that dared all the girls to try and get a little closer, but he always dumped them and was well-known around school as a heartbreaker. I didn’t expect it to be any different with me but figured it was worth it to get next to that body. So it happens that, one night rolling around in bed but not actually boning, as we’d been doing for weeks, he reveals to me that he’s a virgin. I was shocked, surprised, and very very intrigued. I didn’t know if I believed it bit I didn’t care. Just the idea that I could be his first (I wasn’t a virgin, but that’s another story) made me wanna do him right there. But it wouldnt happen for another couple of weeks…now let me get back to the two of us and that empty upstairs bedroom at my best friend’s house.

I’m sitting on the stairs with another friend, having downed 6 or so shots and a couple beers. Drunk off my ass to say the least. But hooking up with him drunk wasn’t your typical regrettable hookup as we did it so often it had become a regular thing and was pretty much understood among our group of friends that when you couldnt find the two of us we were most likely getting it on in a dark room somewhere. So there I am on the stairs watching him walking around in these baggy jeans and a white t-shirt with the top of his boxers showing, so fucking sexy and making all the girls sweat, and he swoops over to me and sits on the stairs nuzzling into my shoulder and giving me this little smile from heaven. This kid could drive turn me on and me insane like no one else ever could. He has the most amazing moves. So, never one for subtlety, he says “Let’s go upstairs and have sex.” And I, a slave to my hormones, follow him. We find my best friend’s 12-year-old little sister’s bed and decide it’s as good a place as any. This is the beginning of a long tradition we have of boning on our friends’ younger siblings’ beds. We shut the door and he wraps his arms around me and begins kissing me, turning me on SO BADLY as usual, his hands running up and down my body. His intensity that night surprised me. He was hard as a rock already and looking at me like this was the night he’d been waiting 17 years for. So we lay down on the bed, still fully clothed but ready to change that, him on top, grinding into me, making me wet as anything. Somehow the clothes start coming off and we’re skin to skin and in all my experience I’ve never felt this good. It was just him, and the way he touched me, he would wrap his body around mine and kiss my stomach and finger me till I was wet as hell. When we were ready he got in between my legs and gripped my shoulders and face with his hands and entered me. No pain for me seeing as it had been awhile since I was a blushing virgin myself but he was siked and I loved making hem feel like no one else ever had. The look on his face was the greatest, he was in heaven and so was I, that blond hair and that body molding with mine, I mean words dont even cut it. He came and I didn’t, I almost never do from penetration, so he fingered me till I did and we both fell alseep. We awoke in the morning to a house full of hungover, still drunk grumpy people. He was never one to be sentimental, and neither was I, but we just understood eachother, and he looked at me and said “Thanks for being my first” and I knew we wouldnt ever forget. Over the next months we hooked up several more times but then went our own ways. However we kept partying together and recently have begun to find ourselves in dark rooms together some nights, the most recent of which was last night, on, you guessed it, a friend’s younger brother’s bed. For some reason we just seem to keep coming back to eachother.

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