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Baby!! Oh!!! Baby!!!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: The back set of his car!!
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We had gone out for 7 months, and we had just arrived
at my house after a date. I told him that I wanted
us to sleep in the car together, and that we would just
tell my Aunt and his Grandparents that we fell asleep
and that we are sorry. So, at first he stayed in his
set and I snuggled up to him. We talked forever until I
started getting tired, and then I started talking about
a little blue man running around the car. He laughed
ar me. He told me he was uncomfortable, so we moved to
the back set. I lay on top of him, and he held me close
and then he started to play with my pussy and kissing
my neck. Then as he says it I just attacked him and
started taking his clothes off. He laid me down in the
back set, and took my clothes off too. He started to
give it to me, and it hurt at first, but then I got
used to it and it felt good. We were in the car so
I could make as much noise as i wanted. And believe
me I did. He cum all over my shirt, and I couldn’t
figure out how to hide that, but I liked it alot!!! The
back set of his car became the place where we had some
of our best times.
Now I am married to him!!
And if I had the chance I would do it all over again.
And not change anything!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience