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Where it happened: In his car in the parking lot of an abandoned church...
Langauge: English
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Where to start? OI guess I could explain how we met. He had been talking to a friend of mine on the internet. Aparently he was going to be attending the same college in the fall and he wanted to get to know some people before he got here. He and I hit it off pretty well as friends. In fact, we got to know each other rather well over the summer. I was so excited about meeting him because he had become such a great friend. Well the first meeting wasn’t as I expected. I had hurt my knee and just couldn’t get around so I felt bad and the fact that after we met he didn’t call for a whole week made me think he was dissapionted in what he saw. Apparently I was wrong cause he did call a week later. We continued to chat on the net and on the phone but neither of us were really interested in each other as more than friends.
One night we were chatting on line and he asked if I wanted to just hang out or go for a ride. Since I know the area so well I thought it would be nice to show him some of my favorite places. So we went up to the place that I believe to be the most beautiful place on earth…everyone’s place will be different. Anyway that night I got to know him in a different light and really liked him. But thought he hadn’t enjoyed himself so he wasn’t interested. Well he told me the next day that he did have a good time and he had wanted to kiss me but was too shy to make the first move.
Well the next week he invited me over to his apartment to hang out. We watched a movie in his room and ended up making out til 4 a.m. We fell asleep me in his arms it was wonderful. When I woke up it was because he was rubbing my nose in such a cute way.
We are not dating but you have an idea of out relationship by the background ifo I just gave you. Now about our first time. We were both virgins and decided to give ourselves to each other, despite the fact we weren’t dating. We still cared a great deal about each other and we were really comfortable with one another. So we went for a ride. WE drove up to an old abandoned church in the mountains, I knew no one ever goes out there. I was so nervous but he helped to calm me when he reached over and held my hand on the way up there. Once we got there we made out for a while in the front seat. Kissing until both of us were ready. We moved to the backseat and began kissing again. I was so afraid because I knew my first time would hurt like hell and since he was pretty well endowed it would be worse so yes I was scared but I knew he cared enough that he would be gentle.
He was everything I imagined my first time would be. I was with someone who was caring enough not to hurt me. He wasn’t just in it to get off. In fact our first time together lasted two and half hours and he never got off. But he did take care of me. Any time I winced in pain he stopped to make sure I was ok. He was and still is the best. After that night together we got together 4 days later and I spent the night at his aprtment. That night was his turn. I was not going to stop until he got his share of fun. It was awesome. He woke me up the next morning the way he always had before…rubbing my nose in such a cute way. We did twice more before he took me home.
He and I are still having fun together and still best buds. I have fallen in love with him. I need to get the courage to tell him I love him but it is really hard to tell how guys feel. Since my fist time with him I have went out with several guys trying to find someone who makes me as happy as he does…but it is not happening. No one compares. He is the only guy I want. Everytime he and I are together it is like it is our first time all over again. If you ever read this T, I want you to know how much you mean to me and that I would not trade my first time with you for anything. I love you.

Thanks for letting me share this with the world, I hope everyone had a fond memory of their first time.


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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience