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Babysitter, Jan

Age when it happend: 28
Where it happened: My car
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I’m 28. Our baby-sitter, Jan, is 17. While driving her home three weeks ago, she sidled up close to me in the front seat of the car, and started to rub the front of my pants. I got rock hard in about 30 seconds. She kept rubbing. I was going crazy Then she unzipped me pants and fished my dick out and started massaging it. I almost came right then and there, but used my willpower to hold it back. The warmth of her hand around my shaft was almost unbearable. “Todd,” she said, “I want this. I have to have it in me right now!” I could scarcely believe my ears. I had lusted after Jan for several months but had never made a move.She was, after all, 11 years youngeer than I was. But, here she was begging for my cock! I knew that the age of consent in Michigan was 16, so we were O.K. from that standpoint, but I did not have a condom with me that night, and I told her so. “That’s O.K.,” she said, “I want you to fuck me,” as she kept massaging my cock which was like a steel pole now. And then she kissed the tip of it a couple of times. So, I pulled over to the side of the road, and as she took off her panties, I undid my belt and lowered my pants and jockies — and I fucked her right there in the car. I came first, in about two minutes, but I was still hard and so I fucked her until she came too.It felt so damn good! She screamed my name out loud: “Todd, fuck me, keep fucking me, I love it, I love it!” That was out first time. But she’s scheduled to baby-sit this Saturday night again.

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