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Bad Boy

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was the calm one and Billy was the wild one. I’m 15 and he is 13, but he took all the initiative that resulted in me losing my virginity. Billy’s parents and mine are best friends so we have kind of grown up together. Billy was always getting in trouble. I know he has been smoking and drinking since he was about ten. He is a skater with long hair, an earring and a tattoo on his arm. The funny thing is that since he is only 13, he is still pretty cute and can be very nice when he wants to be.

Billy’s family was over at our house for a get together and our parents were preoccupied downstairs playing cards. I was in my room getting ready to watch a movie and Billy came in. He wanted to watch it too so he got on my bed with me. He complained that it was hot so he took off his tee shirt, leaving him only dressed in his shorts. He had also gotten a couple of nipple rings. I opened the window and then put the tape in the VCR. The movie was Blown Away with Corey Haim and Nicole Eggert. There was a lot of sex and nudity in the movie and we were both getting excited. Billy put his hands on my breast and I asked him what he thought he was doing. He said he wanted to feel me out and thought we should have some fun together. I wasn’t expecting him to be so bold and honest. I don’t know if it was the movie that was affecting me, or having an almost naked boy on my bed putting the moves on me, but I said okay, go ahead. Billy pulled up my blouse and put his hands under my bra. I had to admit I was enjoying it, so much so that I removed by blouse and bra for him. He buried his face on my breasts and sucked both my tits. Billy had crawled up on top of me and I could feel his penis againt my leg through his thin shorts. He was dry humping my leg. I looked down on his bare shoulders and back while he was sucking my tits and thought oh what the hell. I knew my period was over so I figured I was safe. He was smaller than me and probably weighed only about 120 lbs. so I grabbed his sides and pulled his face up to mine, looked him in the eyes and said we might as well take this all the way. He said “no shit?” (real romantic boy, wasn’t he?) I just felt like using this dirty little boy so I said to him, “yeah, no shit.” We both took off our remaining clothes, our shorts, and he got back on top of me. I had never seen a bare penis before but he looked pretty big for a 13 year old, probably about 8 inches. My vagina was pretty wet and Billy’s penis slid right in. We rocked back and forth and Billy came in about a minute and a half. He wanted to pull out right away but I told him to keep fucking me. Obviously he knew nothing about bringing pleasure to a girl but I kept him inside of me until I was stimulated enough to have an orgasm. Then I let him go and he got up, put his clothes on, and said he was going back downstairs. I said “whatever” and cleaned myself and the bed up after he left.

I wish I saved my first time for someone I loved. I let my hormones take over. Physically, it felt good, but Billy will always be a jerk. He just got another girl pregnant, and I’m so glad it wasn’t me.

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