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Barbara Anne

Age when it happend: 38
Where it happened: My Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I am 39 years old and teach math (Calculus) in High School. My wife divorced me a year ago when she found somebody else. Wehad been married for ten years. Since the divorce, I had not had any real sex for several months, except that which I self administered, and that was not very satisfying after youhave been used to having a woman in your bed for that length of time.I really wanted a woman, badly, but was into the bar scene and really didn’t have a lot of outside contact places where I could meet one. There was always the internet, but I was also leary of those type of websites.

There was this senior girl in my class, however. Her name was Barbara Anne. She was a real looker. Very well put together, and she was not adverse to showing herself with her tight skirts and form-fitting sweaters.Every time she entered my classroom,I had a hard time concealing my hard-on.

Anyway, Barbara Anne was struggling a bit with her Calculus, and one day, after class — this was about 6 months ago — I offered to give her some extra help. She stayed after class, and I worked on a couple lessons with her. Working in such close proximity with her, there at my desk,got my penis in its upright position pretty quickly, and, again, I had a hard time concealing it. It must have been pretty obvious.After about an hour, we were finished, and I asked her if she’d like to have a cup of coffee with me, and she accepted. One thing led to another while we had our coffee at a local Starbucks, and we soon found ourselves in my apartment (my wife got the house in our divorce. Once there, we knew exactly where this was leading and I guided her into my bedroom, where we both took off our clothes and climbed into my bed. My God, it felt so damn good to have a naked girl (young woman) next to my body again! As soon as I spooned her into my arms, and started caressing her beautiful breasts, I almost had an ejaculation, but I held it back, and enjoyed exploring her body. She was so perfect. I kissed her neck and around her ears and on the cheeks, and began whispering complimentary things in her ears — about how she had such a perfectly formed body, and how any man would die for having her in his arms. She had told me she had never had sex with a man before, and I think she was intrigued about having it with a mature man who could show her how it should be done properly.

After awhile, I rolled over between her legs. I told her I’d be very gentle and make it pleasurable for her. Then I slowly slid my erection into her virgin vagina and gradually began to penetrate her inch by inch, thrust by thrust. It truly felt like I was having my first piece of ass again, but here I was over twice her age enjoying the beatiful body of this young virgin. She did tell me a couple of times that it hurt somewhat, and I could tell that it was hurting as I pushed through her “curtain,” and she let out a little yelp. But, then things settled down into a nice rythmic movement, and I began to fuck her with all of the energy I had in me. She sent shivers through my body as I continued to penetrate her and eventually began shoting sperm into her, one burst after another. I realized then that I should probably have used a condom, but we were too caught up in the moment, and I had wanted her so badly — and the great feeling of her flesh enfolded around my hard erection, just sent me out of this world. It had been several months and the pleasure was absolutely indescribable. I don’t think I had ever had more pleasuable sex with my wife all the while we were married. I had 3 or 4 wonderful orgasms, and she did too. At least that’s what she said.

I got her home in time for supper. I’m not sure what she told her folks.

Since then, she and I have been fucking regularly,only now I am using protection until she manages to get herself on the pill.

I know this is strictly against the rules, but when it comes to sex, human beings often do crazy things. After Barbara Anne graduates, we are talking about getting married. I will have some explaining to do to her parents, and even to several friends of mine who probably will think I’m crazy. But, I will tell you that it is peerfectly possible for two people who are 20 years apart in age to fall in love, and I really feel ten years younger than I really am when I have her body next to mine. Please wish us luck.

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