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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Boyfriend's House
Langauge: English..?
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I had sex for the first time this summer. Unlike many of the other stories, this one is actually true. I had done dirty, kinky things before, but had never gone all the way. I was dating this guy and had been for about 4 months. He is 16. There was a dance over the summer, not a formal one…its called a district dance where everyone in the school district in Junior High and High School can go. James and I were in the middle of the dance floor grinding on eachother. Its such hot music and with all these people grinding on eachother I was of course a little horny. It was crowded too, you were always against other people. There is absolutely no room. I kicked it up a notch and really started to get into it. He did to. We then started kissing pretty passionately. He started to feel me up, our hands were all over eachother. One thing led to another and I could feel his boner pushing up against me. I was wearing a short skirt so I lifted it up a little bit so I could feel his penis right on my pussy. It was dark in there so no one else knew what was going on. He actually slipped his shorts down a little in the front and I could see parts of his dick. I thought this was so weird, there was so many people here! I just sort of ignored it and we kept dancing and touching eachother. Then he really got into it. He started fingering my pussy from under my skirt, I was wearing skimpy undies too so it was pretty easy access. We both started deep breathing and gasping. I moaned quietly. Then I felt a throb on my pussy. I looked down and he was trying to have sex with me right there! It was discreet I guess, but still! I wispered in his ear, “lets go somewhere else.” I’m not going to lie, I wanted this just as much as he did, but just not right there. We readjusted and he took my hand. We headed to the boys bathroom. There was no one in there. He locked the door. Next thing I knew James threw me up on one of the urinals. I was so grossed out, but at the same time sooo in the mood. We both stripped quick. There was no time for anymore kissing or types of foreplay. He slid his dick in me fast, there was sharp pain but it quickly went away. He started pumping quick and rough, I could tell it wasn’t his first time. Then he picked me up and held me while we did it. It was so hot. I wanted to try it different ways though. We layed down on the ground, I went on top, he went on top. “Deeper! Deeper!” I screamed. He took his dick out of me and shoved it up my ass. Again it hurt, but the pain went away. He held my hips and pumped so hard. I loved the sound of our bodies slapping together. We tried a few more positions and after about an hour called it quits. That’s a long time! My first time wasn’t very meaningful, but to be honest….I wouldn’t have it any other way. It was amazing! A couple weeks after that James and I broke up. There was no connection besides physical. But that was my first time 🙂 Good luck with yours. And btw, don’t worry about it, your partner will be so excited about having sex with you, flaws won’t matter.

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