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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: In her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I am a foreign student studying in one of the leading universities in the North East of England.
This incident happened last yr, it was my first and I think it will forever remain the best….though I am no longer with her.

As it so happens, I knew her through a friend of mine in Newcastle. She’s a British Born Chinese, of Hongkong descent. She’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen, undoubtedly the best in Newcastle. I immediately fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Her full name I will keep as a secret….Let’s just call her Ms.Mak.

So we went out for a while, and got increasingly intimate with each other. One day, she invited me to her house.
Coincidentally, no one was in. Her parents were out and her sisters were also out with their parents.

So, it was just the 2 of us.
We looked into each other’s eyes….Her gaze melted my heart as much as I think mine melted hers….Then we started kissing each other’s lips. We locked into a very intimate embrace, and soon we were french kissing. I was carried away by the warm taste of her lips and tongue….and soon I was gasping for breath….

Our hands began roaming to various parts of our bodies….I caressed her nipples, and buttocks, while she grasped and gently squeezed my crotch….

She soon began to moan with pleasure….That was when I started undressing her. My eyes couldn’t help but stare at her erect nipples, they were firm and pink…..and her vaginal pubic hair, and her clits…they were all so …….pure, so pristine…..

I asked her if she was still a virgin. She nodded….I felt a huge sense of responsibilty overwhelming me….Here I was, a 2nd year university student, not having a career yet, and about to prise open the virginity of a Chinese girl (by the way, I am of Chinese origin too).

I decided that everything else was immaterial, all I needed at that time was to make passionate love to her. So, I pushed her down onto her bed, and perched on top of her. I played with her tits, and started licking them. All the way from her tits to her clits. I massaged her feet gently, and was soon sucking her toes. She giggled non-stop as if it was ticklish. I then massaged her clits, and started licking them. She moaned with pleasure. I could sense her vagina was getting wet…so was my dick….She got a bit high and had to pull my hair to restrain herself from coming….That was when I decided to stop licking her pussy.

“Please, don’t stop, darling…I want more…” She half-pleaded with me.
“As u say, sweetie”.

I took out a condom from my wallet( I always keep them in case) and strated to put it over my penis. I didn’t want to take chances, not that I was afraid of AIDS ( I believe she was still a virgin), but because I didn’t want to risk her getting pregnant.

I slowly, gently slid my penis into her vagina. There seemed to be a thin film of lubrication as I entered the hole, but as I reached a certain distance, I felt something tear, as if putting a drinking straw into a carton drink.
At that instant, she gasped in pain, and tears rolled down her cheeks…..She looked at me with her teary eyes, while tugging at my arms, not wanting to let them go.

“Sweetie, are u alright?”
“Yes, go on…”
I did as she said, and started moving with her…Soon it developed into frantic pace, and her moans turned into screams…..
“Oh yes….yeah…yeah….ah…ah…auw….ugh..uhg…”
I tried not to ejaculate before she came, so I was literally restraining myself for a few times….Finally I could see her eyes shut in a grimace, and could feel her vagina tightening and squirming, and she finally gave out half hysterical screams that told me she was coming…..I let go of myself at the same time….We were both gasping and shaking in each other’s embrace….but we both felt so good after that….I smiled at her, and she sheepishly smiled back…

We were so tired we fell asleep for what seemed to be 2 hours, and when we awoke, we went to have shower together, just before her family came home.

That was my first time, and after that we had some more sexual intercourse, and each time, I felt so good, and I believe she felt the same….

But we did not last long. She’s got a new boyfriend now, and I am still single….No matter what, I still won’t forget the wonderful first time I had with Ms. Mak. Ms. Mak, please, if u r reading this, reconsider getting back togethr with me…..I long for the intimate moments we had together.


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