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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: At a camp in Maine
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Greg and I had been together all summer. I was a camper and he was a CIT. He was 17 and I was 14. He looked like Matthew Brodderick from “Ferris Bullers Day Off.” I was in love, well at least I thought I was. After sleeping together every night for two months (without doing it), the end of camp was near. Greg and I went up to out tent which was in the woods and had a long talk about it. He then told me that since he loved me having sex was nothing to be afraid of. I believed him. I remember that first he kissed me… he removed my shirt and bra and then touched me everywhere. My neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and wet pussy. His shirt was already off so I began to unbutton his pants. He was hard already and took off my shorts, then he shoved his cock into me and let me tell you, it hurt. I do not regret anything more then that night. Today I have a new boyfriend and we have been together for almost four months now. We haven’t had sex yet because I am still scared from the first time. I love my new boyfriend so much, but because of that first time I will always be scared of sex. So, when you do it for the first time, make sure that he loves you… and isn’t using you for sex.

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