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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well it all started when I was 13. Me and Ben had known each other for most of our lives. We got split up for a couple of years, but then met up when we found out that we would be going to the same high school.

We had always known each other very well, so we became best friends straight away, like we had just picked up where we let off a few years earlier. We hung out with a big group at school, and were always just fooling around, like best friends should.

When I was 14 I moved country, to Canada, where my mum had got a transfer for a year. I didnt want to leave all my friends, but most of all I didnt want to leave Ben, we had been getting really close lately. But I had to, and I did.

8 months on, we came back for a 3 week holiday. It was the best holiday in my life. I had been back for around a week when I met up with Ben again. He was so cute, handsome, and I wanted to be with him even more than ever. We went to the movies that night – just the two of us. We were all cuddled up, just like a couple. It felt so right. He kissed me on the cheek, almost as if getting my approval before moving on to the lips. I kissed him back, getting more intense every second. He slid his hand up my top and undid my bra, revealing my two breasts, both with hard nipples. He got down on his knees, and started to suckle on them, making me let out a little moan. Finally I was getting what I had been waiting for. It didnt last very long, a cinema worker came up and complained – we either watch the movie or get out.

2 hours later, after the movie finished, we went for a walk under the stars. It was so romantic, and everything I had imagined. When we got back to his house, he invited me in, cracking open the bubbly. In a matter of seconds we were in the jacuzzi, pulling off each others swimming suits. When we got out, we ran straight up the stairs and flopped down on the bed.

He started kissing me all over, telling me how long he had waited for this day to come. To finally be aloud to touch me and please me. He kissed right past my belly button, and all over my cleanly waxed pussy, and began sucking, licking, eating, feeling. He stopped and crawled on top on me, asking “are you sure?”… “yes, I waited for this for a long time”. He kissed me, and pushed in a little, and a little more. This time I yelped. He paused “u ok?” “yeah”. He was so gentle, which made it better. It was awkward at first, not knowing what to do. “relax, it will get better, promise”…I did what he said,breathed out and relaxed, and accidently let out a fanny fart. We both just laughed it off, but made things seem more relaxed. It was getting more and more painful,but he still was a perfect gentleman, always asking “are you ok?” “tell me when to stop”.. When it popped, I let out a sigh, and we just lay there. Then he started pumping. It felt good, much better than any amount of fingers. We both cam quickly, and fell asleep in each others arms.

We have now been together for 2 years, and still enjoy the most amazing sex. I love you Ben, always have and always will…..

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