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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the 1960s, we were a group of young English teenagers, boys and girls, playing normal games together, going to school together, listening to music together, growing up. As we grew older, we started to take the normal healthy interests in the opposite sex, although we didn’t have girl friends or boy friends as such. One of the boys in the little gang came up with the idea of having points for “doing girls.” You know, like kissing was 1 point, touching her breasts through her blouse was 2, under her blouse was 3, and so on. I don’t know why, but the furthest we took the points was to pull a girl’s knickers down and see and feel her bottom (what was round her front seemed not quite as exciting somehow, to 13 year olds!!!). This was the ultimate – and we said it was “doing” a girl, 10 points (did we have a lot to learn??).
A lot of the neighbourhood girls were equally willing to participate in this, some going further than others. I scored a few single points for kissing (very exciting) and a few 2 and 3 pointers. I actually got two 10 pointers, and I remember well Elaine who was 12 agreeing to lie on her tummy whilst I lifted her skirt and pulled her navy knickers down to feel her bottom.
Then Gillian moved in next door to me and everything changed. Gill was nearly 15 and far more worldly wise than any of us and that summer she led me into real grown up behaviour. She was cute, blond hair, and dressed far more like a young woman than the rest of us. She didn’t play with us, looking down on our street games of cricket and kiss chase as frankly quite childish. But she did, pressured by her mum I think to be friendly, deign to talk to me and sometimes invited me in to play records. On these occasions, she was usually bored, but did her duty. For my part, I was smitten. It didn’t help that she wore nice but rather short skirts and I was dying to see up them (but never dared look).
On one of these occasions, her mum and dad were out and the only people in the house were us and her older brother (Keith), who was 21, and his girlfriend. Gill was obviously restless and I thought she was just bored. Then
she asked me if I’d ever “done it.” I blushed furiously and she teased me a bit, giggling as I blustered and went red. I told her I’d “done” two girls and she said “what, everything?” and I said yes and she said “tell me what you did.” I told her about Elaine and how I’d pulled her knickers down and Gill burst out laughing and said that that was NOT doing it. I felt stupid. Then she suddenly said, come with me, and ran downstairs and led me out of the house and into her very long garden. As we approached the summer house in the little orchard at the bottom of the garden she shushed me and walked carefully to a tree with a tree house in it. She told me to go up the ladder (I was so disappointed as I thought if she went first I’d get to see up her skirt). I did as she bid and Gill followed. When we got to the tree house shecarefully looked over the edge, directly into the roof of the summer house and there, not 10 yards away, under us were Keith and his girlfriend, Lynn.
They were sitting on a couch and were kissing, long deep kisses and then he was unbuttoning her blouse and moving it from her shoulders. Gill nudged me and smiled as Lynn’s bra came off and she moaned as Keith kissed and sucked at her nipples. Lynn lay back on the couch pulling Keith down
on top of her and he pushed her skirt up and I saw her oink knickers and stocking tops as her legs feel apart when he began rubbing her between them, just where we street lads hadn’t thought was that interesting. I was fascinated as he pulled her knickers right off and I saw her there, just there (I was fascinated at her hair, I hadn’t realised girls had hair there!!!) and then got his jeans down and, saw his big cock as he put it between her legs and pushed and then her arching her back and moaning as he entered her. I turned to look at Gill and she was bright red and breathing deeper with excitement as she watched her brother fucking his girl friend. I was too, very, and I hoped she wouldn’t see the bulge in my own jeans.
After a lot of frantic action below us and moaning from Lynn, there was a massive climax as both Lynn and Keith obviously came and then Gill went very quickly down the ladder and towards the house. I went after her, trying hard not to make a noise. Through the door, she ran up the stairs to her bedroom and I got the longed for look up her skirt, seeing her nice firm thighs topped by white knickers as I followed her. Into her bedroom and she shut the door and looked at me and said “THAT is doing it.” Then he just said “do you want to do me then?” and I nodded eagerly. She came across to me and put her arms round my neck and kissed me, a proper, long, wet kiss and I went even harder. Then she was putting my hand on her breast and moaning as I felt her hard nipple and as I unfastened her buttons to find her white trainer bra. She reached behind her and it was off and then she pulled me back on her bed and i was sucking them, oh GODDDDDDDD. Then her hand was pushing mine to her legs and between them and up her skirt and I was feeling her through her white cotton knickers and it felt so GOOD. Suddenly she was dragging at my belt and my jeans were down and then I pulled her knickers right off and I was putting my finger in her wetness as she was feeling my cock. The she pulled me down and guided me in. She obviously wasn’t a virgin as I slid into her very easily. I was in absloute heaven as I felt her legs round me.
Unfortunately, I came, after only about three or four movements. I couldn’t stop myself. As I spasmed shooting my thick goo into her she gave a loud groan and said “couldn’t you do it a bit longer?” Then as I lay there between her legs, my tummy flat to hers, she giggled and said “there, THAT’s how you do a girl.”
After a while, lying there, as I shrivelled, she got up and, suddenly coy, pulled her skirt down, picked up her knickers and dashed to the loo. I got dressed and when she came back so was she. She laughed as she said to me that I’d come inside her but not to worry as her period was due next day so we hadn’t made a baby. I suddenly realised what we’d done at that and was scared but she giggled and kissed me on the cheek and told me she knew she was having a period so stop worrying.
So, that was my first time. She made me promise not to tell anyone. After that, we did it a lot more times and I got better at it. Buying condoms was a problem, in the end I used to sneak in to the toilets at a local pub where there was a machine, wait till no one was around and put my half crown in and hope no one would catch me before I got them out of the tray, oh the joys of growing up in England in the 60s. Eventually, Gill got a boyfriend a couple of years older than her and made it clear that we wouldn’t do it ever again and I get a girlfriend my own age too, but I’ll never ever forget her and how I first found out what “doing” a girl really meant.

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