Where it happened: Florida Vacation
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My best friend and I went to Orlando for spring vacation and our birthdays. On my birthday, which is four days before hers, these two guys walked up to us when we were sitting by the pool. We talked to them for a little while and told them we’d meet them later by the fake beach (since there wasn’t any beaches near us, our hotel had this little fake one that we hung out on.) We met them and got a little drunk off of Adam (different name)’s vodka in a water bottle and gatorade. We didn’t do anything that night, and (name’s changed again) Sam was making out with another girl. We hung out alot the next few days, and after three days, it had been storming and my friend and I saw the guys on the beach and went over to them. Sam was completely wasted, and Adam was getting tipsy. They were with Erin and Jared and we decided to go play spin the bottle after I talked them into it. We used Sam’s empty “southern comfort” bottle, which was a water bottle. The game lasted about five minutes after my friend kissed Sam, and it was my turn. I landed on Sam who had already tried to kiss me that night (It went like this: he was hiding behind a wall after going up and down the elevator and I asked him what he was doing. He said he was hiding and grabbed my chin and tried to kiss me. I said he was drunk and told him to come and play spin the bottle with us.) So we were sitting on the golf course with my friend and Adam making out and Sam and me making out like crazy, rolling around in the grass. He tasted like mentos and “southern comfort.” He was so adorable. He kept pushing my hair away from my face and his hat kept falling off, so I grabbed it and put it on but he laughed and put it on him because it was getting in the way. My friend paused for a second and said “Oh my God, Sarah, some truck is parked and it’s watching us!” It had been there ever since Sam and I had walked to the golf course and he took a piss in the pond. It’s lights were turned on and it freaked us out so we left. When we were walking back, Sam stopped me and we made out and he said “I love you” and I said, “No you don’t!” and he said, “I know…” and we laughed and he told me how much he really did like me. He kept putting his hands down the back of my pants through my bikini bottom and rubbing my ass, which was making me giggle. He was rubbing my back with his big hands and tickling my stomach.
We went over to another one of the buildings and some other friends of ours came up and said that the girl that Sam had been hooking up with earlier was watching us. She really wasn’t, but they were being bitches. He freaked and ran up and I was told later he was talking to her mom about something. He came back downstairs and I was pissed at him so I shoved him into the wall a little, not hard, but still. I didn’t see him do it, but he pulled the fire alarm. I didn’t know what was going on when the lights started flashing and the alarm sounded. I thought that it was a siren to tell golfers to get off the course because of lightening, since that had happened about an hour earlier. My friend started screaming “RUN SARAH RUN!” so we all started sprinting. The other girls, who stayed behind, told us the next day that the police and fire department came and asked for descriptions and were searching for us all night. We were just all walking around behind buildings having people from their windows tell us “watch out for alligators!” and trying to figure out where the hell we were. We finally found the main building and were leaving when Sam grabbed me and kept saying “Please, one more time” and I told him I would see him later and that I had to go. He picked me up and I giggled and kissed him goodbye for the night, and when I pulled away he grabbed on to my bikini top and it slid over accidentally, and I’m pretty sure that Adam got a peek. I was actually kind of sad, because I liked Adam more than I liked Sam, but Sam was so cute and I knew my friend liked Adam alot so I let it go. I actually wrote a little note to Adam that night which I planned to give to him with my number and saying how I liked him and stuff. My friend found it and I grabbed it from her, which made me feel shitty because it talked about her and she’s my best friend. I lied and said it was just to Adam with both our numbers on it and stuff. I told Sam we would find them later and I gave them my number. I was a complete moron and forgot to give them my area code, so we obviously never got called. I’m not sure they even tried.
We ended up getting their number from the bitch girls the day after the incident, and we tried calling them four times because we were leaving that night and wanted to see them. They never called us back, but the next day when we were back home, we called and Sam answered. We talked for a minute and they hung up on us and didn’t call back. We decided not to call them back if they were going to be assholes. I’m really sad I never got to say goodbye, and I think we definitly could of worked out, but I guess they thought of it as nothing but a spring fling.