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best friends

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: mom's house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I was 21 and my best friend throughout most of my adolescence was 18 at the time. We’d talked about sex before but never went anything beyond just talking and joking around with each other. One night we left campus (we both went to the same university) and decided to watch some dvds at my mom’s house (who was away on vacation for the weekend) since hanging out in the dorms wasn’t any fun and my mom’s house had a killer entertainment system. We were hanging out. She was laying on the couch and I was sitting up against it on the floor. She was hot so she changed into a pink tank top and jeans while we just hung out. After a while, the movie got boring so she decided to pick on me by reaching down and pinching my nipple. She kept doing it after I kept trying to smack her hand away and then she quit for a while. I teased her that it sucked that she could get away with doing that to me and I couldn’t get any revenge on her. She said, “I’d like to see you try!” So, having already had a few drinks in both of us, I reached up and squeezed her boob. I think we both knew something was up (and I could feel that my something was up) because she asked me to do it again, which, of course, I did. Then she took off her bra from underneath her tank top and I could see her gorgeous tits through it. She asked me to do it again and I reached up her tank top this time and started fondling her breasts. I climbed on top of her on the couch and did that while we were kissing for the first time. I guess part of me at the time felt it was weird to be kissing and fondling and grinding into my best friend but at the same time it felt right because she was my best friend. Noboby knew me better than her. After a while she reached down and started giving me a hand job while I was taking off her clothes and trying to tear mine off too. That night, we ended up doing nothing more than her giving me a hand job and me fingering her but we finished that upstairs in the bedroom and we fell asleep together. That didn’t stop us though from waking up the next morning and, when you have a gorgeous naked girl in bed next to you, I started caressing her skin and she gave me that sheepish sly smile and she pushed me onto my back, slipped a condom onto my morning wood, climbed on top of me and started riding me. Needless to say, we’ve been dating now for 4 years and are planning a wedding. I can’t say I regret that first time just because it was with my best friend that will soon be my wife.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience