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Best Oscars ever

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: im my basement
Langauge: Emglish
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Well my girlfriend and I had been thinking about it for a few months. She came over one day and she had always known that she wanted to be on birth control and finally she was. She had been on it for a month or so when it happened. Now I never knew this, but suposedly, 8 inches is big. I thought I was average, so i got average condoms. Anyways, its the night of the 2010 Oscars and we decide we love eachother and we are totaly ready. The actual sex, was ok. I went slow so i wouldnt hurt her but she asked me to go faster. I did. We switched so she was on top and i did most of the work. but all of a sudden I start to think hmm all of a sudden this feels way better… then I come. I pull out, look down, and the condom had broken. My girlfriend didnt notice but she just got her period so were all good now (thank god) and that was my first time, as lame as the story is, it was a special moment for me and her. 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience