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Beth Chaney the lengend

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: scool
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so one day while i was taking an extreme test in my pre-algebra class (yes im a smarty pants) this girl passed me a note folded so cleverly…i looked at her in shock and asked if she wanted me to pass it to someone else. no its for u sugar lips she replied…oh okay. i will read it when i get home. “no now please!!!” okay i said…i carefully opended the note…looked at the beautifully written words when my eyes skimmed the page i saw the word fuck…. OH LORD i thought… my mommy hates that word. soap in the mouth for sure. anywho….i read the entire note and it said…”bobby….i want you to fuck me…i am a grown ass women nigga and i can handle your tiny little peeper….meet me in the bathroom after lunch.” Wow a girl actually wants to do the nasty to my peeper. should i be scared? will i be good…well soon i was to find out. i could barely even think at lunch let alone eat. when the bell rang for the next lunch. I slowy got out of my seat and walked towards the girls bathroom. all of the sudden BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she comes out of no where and grabs me. pulling me into the bathroom with her. “PUT THAT NIGGA PEEPA IN ME YOOOOOOO!!! shit she is black!!!! its okay cutie with a booty i thought…so then as she slid off my pants…”oh is that it?” she said…my face turned red “THATS A MANS PEPPER” i said. she agreed. quickly she lifted her skirt and lowered herself onto my peeper. ohhh babyyy fuck me u porch monkeyyy! and she did. it was amazing. until the pricipal walked in. apparently the teachers could hear us making all sorts of animal noises. BAAAAAAAAAAAAA, IM A PIGGY FUCK ME OINKKKK!!! i will never forget her. like they say once u go black u never go back

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