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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

In 7th (s e v e n) grade in middle school Betsy and I started “going out”. We both attended a yuppy private school and “going out” pretty much just meant you held hands on the school bus in the morning.

Well our young love continued for about 8 months without much more than the occasional kiss. I suppose I was a bit of a shy kid and shes such a sweet girl she would never say anything. In 8th grade this real asshole came by and started openly hitting on her and she didn’t really know how to tell him to fuck off so she let him follow her around and eventually I broke up with her because I didn’t have the balls to say anything to this guy.

Anyways some time passed and I never really stopped being down about losing my Betsy. This asshole tried to take advantage of her a few times but she never yielded. Eventually she broke up with him because she matured and realized he was a jerk.

At this point I had become emotionally insecure and pretty much hooked up with any girl I could get my hands on. I fingered girls on dance floors at raves, made out with every girl I hung out with but never really felt any emotions of love like I had with Betsy and our sweet and sensitive relationship in middle school.

Sophomore year after hooking up with a long time family friend mormon girl and effectively condemning her to hell (oops!) I reencountered my lost love. I had pretty much abandonded ever being with Betsy again…

I was 16 I guess, she asked me for a ride home from school. I had tried to alienate myself as much as possible from Betsy because of how she hurt me in the past but I agreed to drive her home.

When we got to her house (I totally had no idea she was into me) she invited me inside and we watched Oprah which I learned I really hated. At this point I had become really used to hooking up with random girls and without thinking slid my open palm between her legs. She was wearing green shorts and looked up at me.

“Hello” Betsy said, and with a little smile she kissed me sensually on the lips. This evolved into some heavy making out and I ripped off her shirt, revealing her perfectly perky tits with her little pink nipples that I fantacized about all throughout my adolescence. It was like living a dream come true.

I pulled her pants back to see what her pussy looked like, I must admit I was always curious. Betsy has a hair color that I have never seen on another person. if I had to describe it I would probably say metallic copper. Well anyway I pulled back her shorts and saw the cutest little copper bush, drenched in horny wetness. I plunged my finger into it and for a moment was perfectly happy.

After our lustfueled little hookup Betsy and I started dating again and had sex for the first time about a year and a half later. I lost my virginity to her just after my 18th birthday. She was a virgin too and it was really hard for us to have sex.

Im 170 pounds 6 feet tall and shes 100 pounds 5 foot 2. her pussy is WAY too small for my cock and we had about 3 “first times” trying and failing to fit it in. Eventually she had to just deal with the pain and we had our first time. it was very lovely and I am- to this day (about 6 months later) deeply in love with my Betsy.

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