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Big and thick!

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Many places
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Well my parents were out for the weekend and i was home a lone. I was 15 when it happened and then my friends wanted to go to this party that they were told about. So my one friend “Sam” had an older brother “SamsBro” who was going to the party and he said were aloud to go. He was 19 and drove a black truck. we got there around 3:00 pm and it was alot of older people but some younger people. there was ALOT of beer, and most of it was drank by 9:00 pm. Sam was getting borde of the party becasue she dosent like beer and didnt have anyone to talk to other then me. Sam then seen this CUTE guy that just walked in. he spent like 10 minuets talking to everyone but didnt drink, then Sam went over to him and asked what his name was and then his age. His Name is “Greg” and he was 17. Sam and Greg sat down and talked while i went off to find someone i could talk to. the only one i wanted to talk to was SamsBro becasue he was my Bestfriends brother, and i thought he was cute. he talked about his truck and then asked me what i wanted to do so i said we should see Sam and Greg and see if we could do something togather. so we went into the room they were in and they wernt there. i got very scard and started to look around the house. we went down a hall and there was this bed room. i opened the door and i seen Greg and Sam laying on the bed naked. I quickly pushed SamsBro out of the way and closed the door. i then sayed sorry very loud and herd them laugh. SamsBro took my hand and i got scared. He took me into another bed room. I told him im 15 and im his sisters bestest friend. he said he knows but he has fealings for me and i knew i did too. he got naked and i did too. His thing was SOOOOOO BIG AND THICK. I almost choked on it. then he had a condom in his back pocked and took it out. i was happy becasue i didnt want to get pregnent. he slid it in and I SCREAMED in delight into the bed pillow. we had sex for a LONG time. the bed sheets were wet from my cum and also had some blood on them but i was latter told that bleeding on your first time was normal. we were laying on the bed and sam and greg walked in both covered in one bed sheet and were naked. they came over to ous and Greg got ontop of me and his was LONGER but a little less thick. I was almost in shock at the thought of Sam and her brother having sex but they didnt they just sat on the end of the bed making fun of each others parts She said that his looked like a cucumbure only if it was green! then he said that sams boobs were like two pancakes, even thow she has very nice brests and they are big. i actuly liked them a little to much. after the party samsbro drover ous back to her house and he went to sleep. me and sam stayed up and i had fealings for her too. my other friend said that i liked other girls to much and she said that i was bi but i never thought so till that night went i was over sams house and we were changeing into our pjs and we got naked. i walked over to her and i reached out to her brests. i gently grabed one and it felt good. she then grabed both of mine. we then got onto her bed and started to make out. then i reached over to her clit and rubed it. i slid my finger into her hole and it felt good but better when she did the same to me. that was the best weekend EVER. me and my frend have been dating for over a year now. we havent seen greg since the party and samsbro makes fun of the way i screamed into the pillow!

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