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big d

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: in my homeroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it was after school and everybody was gone but i came back toget my jacket which i left on accident. so i get to my locker and i hear these moaning sounda and i open the door and my teacher was fingering herself and she saw me. she brought me over to her and she asked me wat i was doin and i said gettin my jacket she said lock the door we r goin to have some fun. she started to pull my pants down and suckin i tried not to moan but it was so good. she told me to fuck her in the ass so i did. she kept screamin harder fuck me harder so i did until she begged me to stop. then i sucked on those big tities then fucked her in her tight pussy until she cried. then we stopped cause a teacher knocked so we got dressed and i had to hide. then the teacher left and we did it again

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