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Big Furry Muff

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Apartment 5
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

It was a time I will never forget. The time I first put my virgin dick in to a big furry muff. It all started with a case of Natural Light and a stolen bottle of vodka. The case of Nat Light was the usual beverage for a Wednesday night on campus. The vodka was an extra, a stolen extra, but that is a whole another story. Me and two good friends were all shit-faced from the combination of beer and vodka and went gravel travelin to a bigger town about 30 miles away. Rumor had it that there was a party at the campus appartments at a local community college. Sure enought we found the party, already being drunk we had no choice but to drink more. In our drunken state we did some stupid things. My friend, we’ll call him Boz for lack of a better name, was grinding with a chick on a coffee table. He later took the virginity from the chick, but not after a hand job he recieved on the dance floor. I just couldn’t take it anymore, I layed passed out in some strangers bedroom. Or at least I think it was a bedroom. It may have been a kitchen or a garage for all I remember. This is where the big furry muff comes in. I awoke with my pants down and a 250 pound chick sucking my dick like there was no tomorrow. After I blew my load in her mouth I went back to sleep. It couldn’t have been more than a half hour later that I awoke to the sound of loud moaning. I looked over and my friend was having passionate sex with what looked like a supermodel. She had her legs wrapped twice around his muscular frame. With each pump she screamed louder. Her firm nipples were bouncing to the rythm of the pumping my friend, we’ll call him Derek, was setting. It was like a real life porn movie. I was about to jump in the action when the 250 pounder jumped on me. I was not ready for such sexual activity. She put my virgin penis in to her big furry muff. I am not exacterating when I say big furry muff, this was like the titanic of muffs. It has never been trimmed even washed. I think she could have braided this muff. It was unbelievable. Well, lets say my first sexual experience was like fucking a styrofoam cup of water. I didn’t feel a thing, it may have been the alcohol or the heroin that made me not feel things, but I think it was just a loose cunt. The sex was terrible, it wasn’t worth the price I had to pay for the gonahreaa shot I had the next month. There is nothing more embarassing than going to the free clinic for a gonahreaa shot. My two friends had sex with gorgeous women while i lost my virginity to a 250 pound slut. If I would have stayed home and mastrubated that night, I would have saved my virginity for someone it was really special. Insteasd I was raped by a 250 pound slut.

A little tip for all you youngsters whackin your nuts around to these stories.

It is better to masturbate than to be raped by a 250 pound slut.

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