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big man

Age when it happend: 45
Where it happened: home with mom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Mom is 70, I am back home taking care of Mom in all her needs, in ALL her needs. Mom and I enjoy being naked all the time, seeing Mom naked, I get a hard-on. Mom was 60
when I started fucking my Mother. she is 70 and I still
love to fuck my Mother.
Our family knows and seen us on their visits naked and I am fucking my Mother they all agree if it makes Mom happy to get fuck by her son, it’s none of their business.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Mom’s 2 brothers started fucking their sister (my Mother). Mom’s dad (deceased) for many years fucked his daughter
There are 15 male family members, at one time or other
they have all fucked my Mother. Right now, there are
6 family male members and 2 friends fucking my Mother.
This is true story, in New Mexico.

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