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Big Meat

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Friends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I had known her for a VERY long time. I met her when I was 10. She was 6 when I met her. Her name was Emily and we had just moved down the street from her. I wasn’t really good friends with her until about a year ago, but I was really good friends with her Brother. Now that you know how we met and the basic shit, this is how it happened:

We live in Kentucky, and UK was playing tonight. John Wall was all the talk. We might have made it to the championships. This was such a big deal and my friends (Emily and her family) always throw a party for a heated game. So being good friends, we obviously went to the party from 8pm to 12am. I was 15 and she was 11 at the time by the way.

Anyways, ever since I was 13 I had a bit of a crush on her. She has such a cute face and that always turned me on. This sorta happened into two different parts. The first part, we got bored of the UK game cause we aren’t big sports fans. So, we went to her room. She is a dancer and she had to memorize the first 100 numbers in chinese for a dance routine. She recited them to me and this was boring as fuck. I was sitting on her bed and I started looking around the room. I saw her drawer open with a pair of panties with little red hearts all around it. I got up and grabbed them. She didn’t see because she was spinning ontop of the bed and when she was turned around when I grabbed them.

“Yeah… Thats good enough, I believe that you can recite chinese numbers. But, look what I found!”, I said as I revealed the panties. She started telling me to give them back to her, and I kept resisting as I was about a foot taller than her. “I’ll give them back on one condition”, I told her. She asked me what that condition was. “Get naked for me and you can have them back”

She was very nervous at first, and told me to leave the room while she got naked. I walked out and a couple seconds later she said, “Come in, but close the door as quickly as possible, I don’t want anybody else to see me.” Once I walked in she told me to close the door. She looked amazing. Her prepubescent pussy was so nice and smooth looking.

“Now give them back!”, she begged. I gave them back and told her how great she looked. We were sitting on the bed and I asked her if I could touch her down there. She resisted but I got my hand down there and it felt amazing. Then it got akward and I just said I’d see her later.

I went downstairs with the rest of the kids who were at the party. All the boys were playing Halo and the girls were watching. Emily is one of my best friends, so she just followed me after getting dressed and sat down right beside me on the couch. My brother just totally pwned Emily’s brother and says, “Haha! Watch as I T-bag you with my big meat!!!”

Emily is only 11 and was asked me what Big Meat meant. “Meet me in the downstairs bathroom in a couple minutes and I’ll show you” I told her. I was waiting in the bathroom and then she came in. I told her that if I was going to show her what ‘Big Meat’ was, then she would have to get naked. “Get in the shower but don’t turn the water on, and then take off your clothes and throw them out here, I’ll then show you what it is.”

She got naked and through the clothes out, and I took of my clothes and sat down at the end of the tub where the faucet wasn’t. Then I told her to come closer to my face while still standing up. I licked her pussy and I told her, “This is what Big Meat is”

I guided her sweet smooth pussy onto my throbbing cock and I came deep inside her within 5 minutes. She started screaming really loudly when I tried to go into her completely. Im about 6-7 inches. I grabbed her ass with one hand and forced her panties into her mouth so that when she screamed nobody would hear. I shoved my cock deep in her and she squealed one last time before we came on each other.

I’ll never forget that night, because her mom is so cool, I was able to sleep over, however I had to sleep in her brothers room. About 2am I went into her room when everybody was asleep and we did it again and again.

Love you Emmy! <3

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