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Big Ouch!

Age when it happend: 28
Where it happened: My boyfriends bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was not planning to do this. I wanted to, but felt wrong about it religiously. But I’d held out for 28 years and I really wanted to know what it was like as well. Still, I held out. He really wanted to and was frustrated with me. We decided to break up cuz he felt we weren’t a real couple unless we were having sex. So then we decided to just be friends and he pulled out some weed that same night we broke up and I’d never tried it and I was curious and decided to try some with him. After a few good hits I felt a lot more okay about having sex so then we did it. But it really hurt and I freaked out the next day and then I refused to see him for a month until we ran into each other at the gym and now we are back together and having sex…but sometimes I still feel bad about it. But I also love him.

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