Where it happened: Uncle's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
During my Junior and Senior years in high school I had fucked probably 6 or 8 girls. They all loved my 8-1/2 inch dick and I really enjoyed the sex I had with them. But, I liked variety and I often wondered what it would be like to fuck with a black girl. We didn’t have many in our high school, and those that were there really did not appeal to me. Too young.Too skinny.Too fat. Then this really attractive dark-skinned girl, Jessica, transferred in from another high school across town. She was 5’9″, slim, nice body,beautiful, shapely legs (she wore shorts a lot), and from looking at the shirts she wore, I could tell that her breasts were just the right size — not too large, not too small, just peach sized — the way I liked them. The first time I asked her for a date, she said sure. We went to a movie and we settled in to watch the R rated film which had lots of great sex in it. She didn’t object at all when I put my arm around her, nor when I felt inside her blouse and massaged her tits with my hand. She had not worn a bra, and they really felt great, especially when I played with her hard nipples. We dated through the fall months and by our 8th date, I knew we were ready. After a school dance we drove to my Uncle Bruce’s home. He’s about 30 and lives by himself, although sometimes I’ve seen girlfriends over there. Anyway, I had asked him that afternoon if I could use his spare bedroom, and he said, No Problem.
I had a key to Bruce’s place and so we drove over there and went in. Bruce wasn’t home, so we had the place to ourselves.We headed straight for the bedroom I had used a few times before, and undressed each other. After the usual foreplay, where I moistened her vagina and she sucked my dick, we started to fuck. My God, what a difference there was. I had never experienced orgasms like that before! I think she was nearly as experienced as I was, and we pleasured each other for several hours, before we fell asleep in each others arms. Her black skin against my tanned white skin. I was completely exhausted and so was she.
I had condoms with me, but she said No,she wanted me natural
and I guess we were so taken with each other that we really didn’t care if she got pregnant. She didn’t, and she hasn’t any of the times we’ve fucked since, which has been about 20 or 30 times since. I guess my white cum just hasn’t “taken.” I simply love her black body!