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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Hotel room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well me, the lads and the wenches were out on the bench, in Greece, on holidays, drinking as you do. It was about 10:30pm and this right slut was there pissing everyone off. The lads had been saying to me that if I rode her I’d be taking one for the team. She had potential but she talked to much. The lads said to me to go off and they would send her over. So I was waiting over by the Scuba-school and she came over. We started shifting, you know to “get it up”. So we were shifting when all the lads thought it would be funny to seek up on us for the next ten minutes, I went floppy twice because of it. So finally, I said “Fuck this shit you want to do it in my room”, she said “yeah”. So we had to get redressed and walk a good 5 minutes to my room which I shared with my little brother. When we got inside I locked the door, so my little brother didn’t bother us. We got undressed again. I then lay her on my bed. She sat up against the back wall and I fucked her I then lay back and I fucked her. It was going great until (as it was her first time as well), her hyman broke on my dick. We finished up but, well that happened. And we have never spoke since. (I was wearing a condom just if you are wondeing). But yeah that was my first time

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