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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Her House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the end of year 12, and coming up to summer.
Over the year I had lost over 30kg and was finding that girls were noticing me more, so I was really look forward to summer, as I had big plans with plenty of road trips with some good looking birds.

On the last day of exams, a mate and I went out and got really trashed…… that is all I remember of that night.

The next day my mate txt’d me, asking for my address, cause this girl wanted to invite me to her 18th party. I had know idea who she was, but later found out that I had met her that night and talked for ages.

About 2 weeks later I went to her party, she was a hot as. I didn’t really talk to her at the start, but as the night went on I found she was getting more and more friendly to me ….which I still wasn’t totally used too.

Anyway we started dating after that and slowly we start to explore each other…. starting with a bit of feeling each other up….to dry humping…. about a month into our relationship we started getting really into it, oral, fingering and stuff.
We had talk heaps about Sex, but she really wanted to wait.

One day we were alone at her house and getting really hot and heavy, when she said to me she was ready….. I was so happy, until the moment I took my pants off, I had a big floppy….nothing I could do could wake it up.
She said that’s ok, but I was so embarrassed… all day I had a hard one but now it was gone.
I went home disappointed, but she rang and said to come over the next day…

Then it happened,,, Down stairs we started getting into it and no problems on my side either.
Just before I entered, she said be really carefully, so when she guided it in I took it really slow.

I had the biggest head spin, I couldn’t believe at what I wanted for so long in life finally was happening. I took it really slowly for awhile, then she went on top and I felt like the biggest porn star….. So good!!!

We went for about 20min… Not a lot was happening for her or me…. I had a bullet proof rubber on….. And I wasn’t really good either. We had a shower and talked for awhile back in bed, she was so happy and so was I.

Over the next month we did it a couple more times…. a bit of a pregnancy scare stop us for a while but when that was over we started go more and more.

When summer was over she told me it our relationship wasn’t working and gave me the flick… Nice…

But she was my first, and I’ll never forget it!!!

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