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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Spain
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Spain was always my first choices of places to go for romance – it just seemed like the women were hotter in the south of spain. Of course, being a frustrated virgin at 18 I may have seen it from a jaundiced point of view as i back packed south through Malaga and on the beaches.
It was a particularly hot, sunny afternoon when I found myself in company with asmall group of backpackers like myself. We walked together and bonded as those groups do until late afternoon when I decided to seek a cheap hotel room for a shower, cleanup, shave and a good night’s sleep. I’d been camping for several nights previously.
As I departed the group, Britta, a Norwegian girl in the group departed with me. “Could you stand some company for the night?” she asked and I thinking she meant that we share the cost of the room readily agreed. Then, on checking in Britta made no offer to pay.
As we took the key and headed for the room, I suggested that she owed me for hlf the room. she replied that she had no money and that she couldn’t pay. She was hungry and tired and she thought I would help her. I was rather disgusated bt having been taken in by her and determined that she’d get no more favors – she only remained in the room because I didn’t have the guts to throw her out.
Then, in the room, I immediately took the towel and my soap and headed for the shower. The water, though only luke warm, felt good as I soaped and relaxed and washed away the grime of the past several days. Then, as I dried off and proceeded to shave off my whiskers I heard Britta enter the shower. As I turned I could clearly see her nude form through the glass door of the shower. As I stared, she looked at me through the door and smiled.
As I dropped the towel from my waist and re-entered the shower, I found myself closer to her bared woman flesh than I’d ever been with a woman. It was strange as we played and I was only partially aroused. We washed each other and caressed and played like experienced lovers.
But I wasn’t an experienced lover. . . a virgin in the company of an obviously experienced girl probably younger than myself. As we dried off a second time, I began to feel my lust rising and enveloping me.
Britta felt it too. . .my rising lust, that is. She spoke softly, “We’ve got all night.” she said and I explained my virgin condition to her. She did not laugh or make fun; rather, she became very serious. She kissed me.
Soon, under her guidance and direction, I had learned about felacio and cunnulingus and slipped into the warmest, smoothest, most exciting thing I’d ever experienced. It was my first time.
Later, after dinner, we experienced a second first time and finally a third. Next morning we slept late and it was nearly noon when we left our bed.
After a shower the next morning, Britta departed for North Africa and I started inland towards Portugal.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience