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Brain Stew

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: her room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Well… I have read these for a long time now… always wondering when i would be able to post. And i will say…most of these are complete bullshit. but all cynicism aside…here goes…..

I met Cassandra at school… I started late, and she was the first girl i noticed. So i just watched her from a distance for a long time. I became good friends with another girl and it turned out to be one of her friends. So SHE SPOKE TO ME! and we started talking. Next thing i know about a month later…we are going to the mountains. It was this big rock that you slide down into some ass cold water. I slide in..and Damn! its cold. Then Cassandra slides in…and as she gets out she gives me this really strange look. i look a little lower and see that her top has come off. What the Hell?!? nothing much else happened until about 3 weeks after that. We started hanging out alot and became good friends…always kind of dropping lines to each other that we were interested. So i asked her out.

I wasnt a novice at all things sex, but all my previous girlfriends were either frigid or sluts. I wasnt familiar with having a g/f that was horny but serious. So things kind of lead to other things.. But this happened in like a three day period. First day…we took my sis to some fun park. then my sis was downstairs making dinner for herself, and we were in my room. We started kissing and i started fingering her. Then she laid on my bed and i tasted a girl for the first time. Next day we found this tunnel under a road that was really nice. And i made a girl orgasm for the first time. TWICE! Not bad eh? So…the next day…..:)

Her parents werent home and i came over…we had a cigarette and then went to her room. She took off her jeans and her shirt and started kissing me. then she closed the blinds and took off my shorts and boxers. I’d never had head before this…and DAMN! so then i get on top of her and start kissing her…and she slides her panties down and says”i want you to feel something” I slide into her and she gasps and says it hurts…so i stop. then she tells me to keep going…so i start again….then she turns over and gets on top of me…this is one of the coolest feelings ive ever felt… but being the paranoid loser that i am…i didnt want to get her pregnant, so i pulled out. We cuddled for a bit and then i drove home…

Not exactly a story that the 14 year olds can wank to, but thats how it happened. I thought id feel different…but i didnt…i thought id have some sign that other non virgins would recognize…but i dont. So oh well…i actually wish it hadnt happened…because i dont think she loves me…and i dont know if i love her. but its done. and all i can say is to all the little 14 year olds that read these and jerk off… There is more to life than sex. Its actually quite a let down. so dont make it the end-all, beat-all of life…and make sure your ready,,,and that you love the girl. Otherwise,,its just fucking…and even the monkeys do that.

Punk is dead,,,but it still fucking rocks….

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